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Questions tagged [conda]

This tag should be used for questions regarding the conda package manager.

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37 votes
4 answers

Variable path issue : conda command not found

After installing Anaconda correctly. I wanted after finishing the installation to do the following. I forget to do it while installing anaconda: export PATH="/root/anaconda3/bin" conda --version ...
vincent 's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

sudo: conda: command not found

I installed Conda using its 32 bits .sh file from here. Here are the essential parts of the installation procedure that worked fine: Do you approve the license terms? [yes|no] [no] >>> yes ...
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24 votes
7 answers

Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding ... SyntaxError: invalid syntax Aborted (core dumped)

I installed anaconda by running the bash command on my Ubuntu 14.04 system , which installed successfully, after which I was asked to export my new /home/username/...
samirzach's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

conda activate not working in a bash file

I am trying to write a script with the name, so when I run it it automatically creates a virtual env and activate it using conda. My conda version is 4.7.1. This is what I have at the ...
Prelude's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

conda command not found

I'm following a Cousera course on Machine learning. We have to use some specific tools such as Graphlab create. Yet, after installing Anaconda with bash /Download/ I ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

When using conda, "source activate [env_name]" doesn't work but "conda activate [env_name]" works

I have been using conda for a few months. The following is the version that I'm using: conda -V conda 4.5.4 Previously, to activate or to deactivate the conda environment, I think I have used the ...
chanwcom's user avatar
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8 votes
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man <command> doesn't display anything after package installation with conda on Ubuntu 17.10

When I try to get the manpages with man it seems to display nothing and behaves as though I just pressed enter ~$ man ls ~$ man man I have tried solutions from these pages to no avail question1 ...
Abhilash's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What am i doing wrong in Conda?

I am a first time user of of Anaconda & Miniconda suite and I have been having problems running code using it. Every time I try to run a python script in Anaconda or miniconda it comes up with ...
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6 votes
1 answer

How and where to install conda to be accessible to all users

What I Want To Do I want to install conda on our shared computer on premises in such a way that it can be used by all users. Users are accessing the machine through remote desktop using xRDP from ...
Vladimir Vinarsky's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why does “(base)” appear in front of my terminal prompt II?

I have conda with two environments working, I have installed "conda_nb" and since I did it, the word "(base)" appears always in my prompt, I discovered that I can remove for a session using conda ...
Pablo Ruiz's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Activate conda environment in Ubuntu desktop shortcut

I have a desktop shortcut that has the following Exec line: Exec=conda activate my_env && my_command However, this shortcut doesn't launch. To try to debug this, I ran the same command in a ...
Mate de Vita's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cannot install cuDNN on Ubuntu 22.04, shows "The public CUDA GPG key does not appear to be installed"

System Info: OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS x86_64 Kernel: 5.15.0-47-generic Uptime: 19 mins Packages: 2225 (dpkg), 11 (snap) Shell: bash 5.1.16 Resolution: 3840x2160 DE: GNOME 42.4 WM: Mutter WM ...
Desmond's user avatar
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Setting up tensorflow-GPU Conda environment with CUDA 11.2 and cuDNN 8.1-8.2 (CUDA 460 Driver

I am trying to create a conda environment for tensorflow-GPU. I have a GeForce RTX 3080, running Ubuntu 21.04 with the CUDA 460 driver installed (secure boot disabled). I tried to install cudatoolkit ...
Oliver's user avatar
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2 answers

Anaconda is only available to root

I downloaded the from official site and used the command: sudo sh To install. By default it installed inside '/root/anaconda3'. ...
Ali Sajjad Rizavi's user avatar
3 votes
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Not able to activate conda environment through os.system command in python

I want to activate activate a conda environment before running my python file through os.system command, but unfortunately, I am not able to activate the conda environment. Following is the command I ...
Ritish Adhikari's user avatar
3 votes
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libtiff module not found on 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 python 3.5.1 (or 3.4)

My problem is pretty much identical to here except none of the solutions there are working for me. I'm assuming the issue there was for python 2.7 because my issue is specific to python 3.5.1 TL;DR: ...
Frikster's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Anaconda Nav wont launch 18.04

I type in anaconda-navigator but i get this "anaconda-navigator: command not found" I have conda update conda.
MaxBrenton's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Cannot open Anaconda Navigator in Ubuntu 16.04. Import error?

I cannot open Anaconda Navigator. I installed it following the instructions here: I get this output when I run the comand ...
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2 votes
3 answers

pip disappeared after system upgrade

I upgraded from 22.10 to 23.04 just now without any problems. However, after the upgrade my pip is not working and I cannot figure out how to make it working again. If i just want to call it: pip bash:...
Gábor Erdős's user avatar
2 votes
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Fish does not run as conda base by default

I have installed Fish on my Ubuntu, but every time I open my terminal I have to run the bash command to initiate conda base. I hadn't this problem with ZSH in the past. Is there any solution to make ...
ShirinJZ's user avatar
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Can I use conda and pip3 interchangeably to install Python packages?

I don't understand why some Python packages are installed using conda and some by using pip3. Are these just different installers from different developers but doing the same thing? Can I use them ...
Kong's user avatar
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let `conda install` use a manually pre-downloaded package

I've got a PC with a slow internet connection. When trying to install an about 500MB package (conda install -c pytorch pytorch), I get a download timeout. I tried downloading this file manually ...
Xpector's user avatar
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conda cammand not found after Anaconda install

I just installed Anaconda as instructed from the homepage. Downloaded installer checked sum: $ shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/ ...
super_ask's user avatar
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Anaconda Navigator gets stuck at loading applications in Ubuntu 20.04 even after updating Anaconda Navigator

I tried opening Anaconda Navigator as root and it got stuck at "loading applications" and gave this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/karuna63/anaconda3/lib/...
Karuna Tata's user avatar
2 votes
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sh: 1: python: not found when execute python script from php

I'm tring to execute a python script call from php with the command below: $output = shell_exec('python /var/www/html/sna/server/ '. $user.' '. $pass .' \''.$action.'\' 2>&1'); ...
Lx2pwn's user avatar
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What's the command to find out version of gcc is used inside a conda virtual environment?

I have a program to be compiled in which I need to have gcc. However, when a python 2.7 virtual conda enviornment being installed, it needs gcc. So I believe I don't have to install gcc package ...
Jenny's user avatar
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Getting rid of conda environment's name when using powerline?

I have been using powerline in Vim for a while. Today I tried it also in my Ubuntu shell (Gnome terminal) and it mostly works well, with one caveat: it annoyingly displays the name of the currently ...
Brianna Szvenska's user avatar
2 votes
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Installing Pygame in Spyder

Im trying to install pygame on spyder but i tried everything and nothing works. Anaconda is installed i have tried pip, conda but every time when i import it i get the error no module named pygame. ...
ChrisCM's user avatar
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PlayOnLinux using Anaconda python installation and can't find wxversion

I have an installation of Anaconda in my home directory but it's giving me problems when I try to run PlayOnLinux. I get this error: Looking for python... 2.7.10 :: Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit) - ...
bibliolytic's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Solving environment: failed

I want to install Tensorflow-GPU for Anaconda Python 3.6. How can I fix this? $ conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu Solving environment: failed # >>>>>>>>>>>&...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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Conda channel for python3.8

I've download python3.8 following the instructions at Developing With Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Running python3.8 in the terminal works fine. The thing is, when I try to make a channel that ...
Makis Kans's user avatar
1 vote
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How to install additional package in anaconda3? [duplicate]

I get this error while installing. And when I use sudo, it says command not found. $ conda update conda Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /home/raworm/anaconda ...
Raw One's user avatar
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Can't install packages because linux images have dependecies with themselves

to fix it I deleted some of the initrd.img-4.4.0-64-generic files, leaving the ones leading up to the linux image I'm actually using, to do this I had to navigate to boot in the terminal then sudo ...
InnerDuckProd's user avatar
1 vote
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How to `conda install ipython`?

System: Ubuntu 14.04, python 2.7.6, pip 1.5.4 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7). I am trying to setup my packages by conda because of this table here in my system. I did successfully ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
1 vote
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Install Numpy for Python-3.4.2 using Conda on Ubuntu 14.04.01 LTS

I installed conda properly. Now I want to use Numpy along with the Python-3.4.2 that comes by default with it. Here is what I run and what I got as an error: conda install python3-numpy Fetching ...
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1 vote
0 answers

What Is Wrong with My Anaconda

I am using the latest version of Ubuntu (22.4). I installed Anaconda. When I run it, I see a few errors, but the the Anaconda navigator launches and I can use Jupyter Notebook (I can run Python codes ...
eh329's user avatar
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0 answers

how do i write a script to activate a conda virtual enviornment?

I have a conda virtual environment where I run code for voice processing. I want to write a script so that I can open a shell in this virtual environment to listen for commands. I can launch the ...
j0h's user avatar
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Problem installing Whisper with Anaconda

I'm trying to install whisper. I'm doing it with help from this guide since I'm a total beginner at Ubuntu (I only know 3 commands). My version of Ubuntu ...
Chuuya99's user avatar
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Having trouble copying conda environment folder containing same word (different case) files with symbolic links in terminfo subdirectory

I am using WSL1. I am trying to save a copy of my ~./miniconda/envs folder to the desktop using cp. I keep getting errors like cp: cannot create regular file './envs/py_env/share/terminfo/h/hp2621a':...
Elijah's user avatar
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Since ubuntu 22.04, anaconda-navigator launching errors : warning linux-scaling, Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE, libGL error

Here is my problem : I use jupyterlab across anaconda navigator. Everything was fine on Ubuntu 18 LTS. Since I updated Ubuntu 18 LTS to 22.04 LTS when I run anaconda-navigator in a terminal the ...
an ch's user avatar
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conda update removed conda

I have just updated conda, and I fell into an error from which I could not recover so far. I am copying here the essential lines that illustrate the apparent problem (and below the full output). The ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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conda create env using yml file - ResolvePackageNotFound error keeps changing

I am trying to use conda to create an environment through the yml file from this GitHub repository The command is conda env create -f tf14.yml and the file ...
Kong's user avatar
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conda env create -f tf14.yml - ResolvePackageNotFound

I am trying to run the code from this repository The instructions to install the python environment are as follows Create a python environment and install ...
Kong's user avatar
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frozen solving environment step in installing a package in ubuntu

I am trying to install moose framework in my ubuntu (20.4). It has three main steps: exporting path of miniconda using: export PATH=$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH Configuring Conda to work with conda-...
Link_tester's user avatar
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Installing Ananconda on Ubuntu 20.04, many erros

Disclaimer: I'm very very new to Linux. Background: I'm having issues installing Anaconda on my Ubuntu 20.04. I am running this off of my USB stick on a PC. I tried downloading the community pycharm ...
Patri's user avatar
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conda : command is not found

$ wget "" $ chmod u+x ./ $ ./ $ bash I ran the above commands ...
imren's user avatar
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conda activate newenv returns "powerline-shell: command not found"

I installed Conda using It works fine until today. I was able to run create new virtual env and activate it and then deactivate it as expected. Basically, conda --...
redpanda's user avatar
1 vote
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How to fix Conda "missing path to environment variable"?

I have a conda environment named tensorflow_p36. When I run import mujoco-py I get the following error: Exception: Missing path to your environment variable. Please add following line to ....
rrz0's user avatar
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export Environment_Variable = something --> = [equals sign] not a valid identifier [duplicate]

I'm still quite new to Ubuntu. I've been installing tensorflow (with CUDA) for some university project; we are to work in conda. After activating my tensorflow conda environment, my instructions tell ...
LJKS's user avatar
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Getting Import error after installing packages through conda

I just installed pandas, BeautifulSoup4, Jinja2 alongside conda distribution, but I'm not able to import any of the packages except numpy and others which come pre-installed with conda. Where am I ...
mystical_starseed's user avatar