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Questions tagged [command-line]

This tag is for questions that are about using the command-line interface (CLI), including the use of standard command-line tools and shell commands. However, for questions that are specific to each shell (like Bash, ZSH etc.), use the tag of that particular shell as well.

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0 answers

Error when trying to use the `sudo apt update` command [duplicate]

I am trying to use the sudo apt update command, but I keep getting the following error: N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-...
user1777569's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Regarding backup of Ubuntu account [duplicate]

I have deleted my Ubuntu account. But now I want to restore it. I have deleted it using the userdel command. How can I get back my account? I did not use any options like -r --remove.
21CSB0B07 B BHARADWAJ's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I create partitions on Ubuntu Server?

Does anybody know how I am supposed to create a partition? I've tried to create one on SDA, but nothing happens, It just errors out saying: Permission Denied I am using a "Dell PowerEdge R610&...
Windows_XP's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Where is the documentation that describes and explains the output of the ip link command?

Here is some fake/sample output of the ip link command. 2: enp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 3: eno1: <NO-CARRIER,...
raul's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

What Makes pgrep Utility Unique Despite ps | grep Availability? [closed]

Could someone please explain the purpose of the pgrep utility when it seems like its functionality can be replaced with ps | grep? P.S. My teacher assigned me this question and asked me to explain why ...
gsagagsa's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Problem while compiling git repo

I'm trying to compile a git repository of a bioinformatics package ( and I have been running into some problems and was hoping somebody could help with this. I'm ...
Tyhalj's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to replace a file path with whitespace using sed?

I have many different files with a string in them. I need to replace this string with a path, although the path contains whitespace. So far, I have this: for a in files_[a-z][a-z]_all\.conf ; do ...
Spaghetti's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu Docker containers not retaining the history (After stop and start command)

I have recently started playing with containers but I have noticed an issue that the history does not persist after I stop and start the container (Note:- not build it). I also made a directory to ...
Mubeen's user avatar
  • 31
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0 answers

Installing kwin window manager isn't working

When I run the command: sudo apt install kwin-x11 --no-install-recommends it says this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:    libkf5newstuff5 : Depends on: libkf5newstuffcore5 (= 5.92.0-...
Musa's user avatar
  • 1
4 votes
1 answer

How to solve the response of my terminal that works very slow and badly? [duplicate]

The problem is that my terminals not work great anymore. The typing is very bad in terminal and each command response not if I press a key. Sometimes the command runs but it ends not, but when I hit ...
Cl4udi4's user avatar
  • 51
0 votes
0 answers

CLI alternative(s) to UbuntuStudio Controls? (20.04.3 LTS)

I run UbuntuStudio 20.04.3 on a somewhat old Macbook (2013), and was listening to some music through my external SuperDrive, which I doubt is as relevant as what I was using for sound output: ...
baudoinia's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Mark previous notification from list as read?

I am running a service that will notify as frequently as every 5 minutes on condition. These notifications are important, but in addition to every popup, I only ever want to see the most recent ...
saltyeggs's user avatar
112 votes
7 answers

input delay on Terminal Ubuntu 22.04.4

I have been using Ubuntu since Christmas, and just recently I have been receiving delayed input while using the Ubuntu terminal. It especially takes affect when using vim or man commands, which is ...
Oeshen Playz1036's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Password doesn't work if type too fast [closed]

So basically when I type my user password I HAVE to type it pretty slow for it to register, e.g. ~sudo, it says "Sorry, try again" but when i type it slowly it accepts the password. I think ...
TrapVegeta's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

id3v2 reports "No ID3 tag" on MP3 file but VLC shows tags on same file

On my NAS I have a lot of MP3 files ripped from audio CDs I own and tagged with EasyTAG. The tags show just fine when playing the files in VLC. EasyTAG also shows them correctly when opening the files ...
Tilman's user avatar
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0 answers

Ways to disconnect or connect power cable with a command without physically unplugging it in Ubuntu?

On ubuntu 20.04, I start looking for ways to automate the charging period of a laptop, this means that the power cable stays always plugged in, but the system must effectively internally disconnect or ...
fany's user avatar
  • 11
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0 answers

uninstalling angular globally doesn't work

How can I fully uninstall angular in Ubuntu 22.04? (dimo-labeling) (dimo-labeling) mona@ada:~/dimo-labeling/frontend$ npm uninstall -g @angular/cli up to date in 164ms (dimo-labeling) (dimo-labeling) ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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0 answers

Can't open nautilus in home path

I'm unable to open Nautilus or Nemo in my home directory. Behavior: They crash immediately upon opening (when the default home path is opened). However, I can use other paths. For example, nautilus ~/...
VOCALOID's user avatar
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Ubuntu boot errors

I'm a new Ubuntu user (I'm just starting out), and after spending hours and hours configuring my system, I noticed that my PC was taking much longer to shut down (not even 5 seconds at first, compared ...
Gybbs's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How do I make Ctrl-arrow skip over dots and dashes

on the commandline How do I get my cursor to jump from a to z directly if I use ctrl-rightarrow for the word a-very-long-resource-name.12.45-ending-in-z
Nifle's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04.2 loads to Command Line fails to Load GUI

After a recent set of upgrades Ubuntu will only load to command line. I have tried loading to older states by booting with Shift and selecting advanced start, without any luck. I have tried to update ...
Jay Wilson's user avatar
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Fingerprint scanner not recognized

I am using a Lenovo Ideapad 3 14ITL05 with Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS dualbooted into it. It seems like it didn't recognize my fingerprint scanner. I typed lsusb in the terminal and this is what ...
CappyNine6950's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Screenshot using the terminal command

I want to take screenshot using command-line in all Ubuntu version without installing any packages. There is any possibility?
Srikanth Bala's user avatar
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Does dosfsck -a log errors it found?

I have a question. Does dosfsck -a log the errors it found? Like, the specifics of the error? Because, since it's doing it all automatically, it doesn't let the user have input, so I wondered if it ...
WolfyRed's user avatar
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set: pipefail failing on WSL windows

I cloned this repo on WSL2 and tried to build a docker image that uses also this script https://github....
criss's user avatar
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0 answers

Skip authentication popup when running command from terminal - Just fail instead

I'm coming from another distro where running a command that required administrator privileges through the terminal without sudo would cause the command to fail, usually while printing out a message ...
callmeish's user avatar
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.desktop application won't open a terminal window

I have a .desktop file located in ~/.local/share/applications: [Desktop Entry] Name=Keg Exec=bash -c "ssh -t rpiz 'python3 /home/pi/keg/'" Type=Application Terminal=True The ...
Lord Elrond's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to get gzip operating recursively at all depths?

I mean to gzip all files *.vtu, at all depths below a given directory, in bash. I have such files at depths 1 and 2 below ./. I managed to do so with $ gzip -v $(find . -name "*.vtu") I ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to start a named background process when using bash?

I have a script that looks like this: #!/bin/bash tsx watch services/$1/src/index.ts This will start tsc for the given service: script/start_service some-service If I add & the end it gets ...
Adam Arold's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to find the Disconnected Xrdp sessions?

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 with Xrdp enabled. I need a list of disconnected sessions (Users can often use the "X" to close the RDP session (therefore disconnect but not logout)). I went through ...
SIVA KUMAR KALLURI's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Running an app under specific locale "formats"

I know you can use export LANG=xx_XX.UTF8 to run a program under specific locale, but regional settings in Linux/Ubuntu also feature "Formats" option. Is there a way to run an app under ...
Digika's user avatar
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Scheduled a computer to reboot everyday at 7AM, not sure if I did it correctly

Running Ubuntu 20.04, I have computers that I want to reboot everyday at 7AM. I followed these instructions, and I thought it was working, but now when I use the uptime command, it will often report ...
Jackjackson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

changing grep command --color from red to another color [duplicate]

I'm searching from the file using grep command with particular pattern, sysadmin@localhost:~$ grep bash /etc/passwd which return the output like below root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash ...
SpiderMan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Open Microsoft Edge in Ubuntu

I run Ubuntu on my Windows laptop, and I only use the Microsoft Edge browser. I tried to used the 'xdg-open' to open the desire website, but Microsoft Edge is not listed in the supported browser. Can ...
vinhDev3006's user avatar
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1 answer

caret character unexpected behaviour in regular expressions with grep

i was running grep commands from "William Shotts" regular expressions example.It seems,the caret character is not doing what it is supposed to do. I have four test files with all the bin ...
S.Das's user avatar
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here file does not fill token

I use a certain command quite frequently, but the command prompts a few things so I wanted to auto-fill it with here file, but it seems that for some reason it can't provide last value to the prompt. ...
Bartosz Wichowski's user avatar
1 vote
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equivalent .sh or make file for a .BAT file

I bought a book yesterday on OS development however, the book is written for windows systems and this was not mentioned in the description. I need to convert a .BAT file into an equivalent shell ...
Prudence Clearwater's user avatar
2 votes
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I followed a solution procedure on AskUbuntu, logged out and now all my data is gone (no guest account)

I did the following to get Skype to recognise my headset microphone (which was not working), as shown as a solution on a question on this website: rm -rf ~/.config/pulse/ Log out Log back in go to ...
Bea's user avatar
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Intermittent lag in command terminal?

I have a workstation that we run numerical simulations on using in-house code, submitting jobs from the command line and using vim to edit/view files. My problem is that whenever we are running at ...
STL's user avatar
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What are zsh equivalent to bash's shopt -s globstar and shopt -s dotglob?

I need zsh equivalent to bash's shopt -s globstar and shopt -s dotglob. How can I do that? UPDATE 01: As per @muru's answer, I used setopt globdots in the zsh shell, and ran the following command: for ...
rusty's user avatar
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I get an error when trying to extract the tor browser .tar.xz file, what did i do wrong?

sudo tar -xf [TB archive] tar: [TB: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
erich slaight's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Invoke a program as a command on any working directory on ubuntu's terminal [duplicate]

I have written a program in C and produced an executable from it. I want to use this program from any pwd. One method is to make its pathname a environment variable using export. But in this method, ...
Cinverse's user avatar
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Unable to retrieve cache information using standard commands (lscpu, cat /proc/cpuinfo, etc.) on Raspberry Pi; seeking assistance to resolve the issue

I'm encountering difficulties retrieving cache information on my Raspberry Pi using standard commands like lscpu, cat /proc/cpuinfo, and lstopo. Despite attempting these commands with elevated ...
iftach shalev's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Copy a folder name into the name of its files

I have a folder with the name "Mexico" and inside I have pictures in .jpg . How do I copy the folder name into the filename. thats current: Mexico(folder) 1.jpg 2.jpg thats what I ...
stony56's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing Linux file names to NTFS-compatible file names [duplicate]

I must create a bash shell to rename the file names in a directory structure. In case the file name contains \ or : or a space it should be translated to _, _, and - respectively. I'm trying to use a ...
Romulo Barretto's user avatar
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2 answers

How to write a bash script from two commands (Find and replace a text string in all files recursively in current directory)

On Ubuntu Server, I use two different commands to find and replace a string in all files recursively in the current folder. The first command is: sudo find . -type f -print0 |\ xargs -0 -r sudo ...
DanRan's user avatar
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How to stop wget command?

I accidentally mirrored a whole website using wget. Whenever I try to delete the downloaded file, it keeps reappearing & trying to download again. How do I stop this?
jlusche's user avatar
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unable to switch to GUI mode of my Ubuntu 22.04. LTS even after attempting to update, upgadre, ubuntu-desktop, slim etc

I am unable to switch to the GUI mode of my Ubuntu 22.04. LTS even after attempting to update, upgrade, ubuntu-desktop, slim, etc. In the command-line interface, ctrl+ALt+F7 is also not working. In ...
6 votes
5 answers

Cut folder names out of string

How do I extract the folder named test from the following string? TRUE|/home/linux/test|(null)|
scotty030253's user avatar
1 vote
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accidentally moved almost all my files in a new directory, is it the end for me?

I was working on a big Latex project and I wanted hide all the file which are not .tex, .pdf, or .png to see clearer in my directory browser. I used the following script : #!/bin/bash # Create a ...
Mc_PanBagnat's user avatar