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-1 votes
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How to update list from apt list --upgradeable [closed]

Listed Packages for upgrading I can't seem to make any command work for lists; Sometimes the terminal will instruct me on what to do and it's generally easy to find tips on Google. I've tried sudo apt ...
Lusus Naturae's user avatar
0 votes
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Running multiple bash scripts at once

I've like 10 repos running in the same machine, I some times change machines and want to deploy them automatically and fast so I made this script to execute each repo installation file at the same ...
Mohamed Naser's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Installed thonny using sudo but can't run from desktop

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS kubuntu 22.04 I downloaded the thonny bash script from thonny git. from terminal i typed sudo bash thonny-4.1.4.bash it installed fine. If I run in terminal sudo /root/apps/thonny/...
kadam's user avatar
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sudo su gets hung in Ubuntu 20.04

When trying to run the sudo su command it gets hung. If I press Ctrl zz then after 2 minutes it goes to sudo. When I checked the permissions, it is OK and there is no output from it.
Hiral Tanna's user avatar
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How do I call an executable as root without the need of using sudo?

I've created an app that also uses TPM for signing/encryption/decryption (with the tss2-fapi library)... But I am a newbie when it comes to Linux (Ubuntu) permissions. Now, when I am running the app I ...
Croksie's user avatar
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Installing kwin window manager isn't working

When I run the command: sudo apt install kwin-x11 --no-install-recommends it says this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:    libkf5newstuff5 : Depends on: libkf5newstuffcore5 (= 5.92.0-...
Musa's user avatar
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After installing apache2 it gives 403 Forbidden error

I installed the apache2 server on Ubuntu and after success, when I tried to hit the URL to check whether it worked or not it threw 403 Forbidden error instead of showing Apache's default page. I ...
Kashif  Sohail's user avatar
0 votes
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A question about tinyproxy

I've got a question. when I tried to start tinyproxy's service, a error occured. I didn't know what should I do to fix it.
TZC's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

sudo with tee displays staircase

Previously I ran without sudo and used tee to display on terminal and log to file: ./my_app | tee path/to/log_file Now I need sudo: sudo ./my_app | tee path/to/log_file However, because of tee when ...
intrigued_66's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I cannot get a key in gnupg - file not found

In order to get a software working I need to get a key. I tried it as a user, then as root, no effect. Checked with Synaptic if all software for gnupg is there, do not see anything missing. I build up ...
Stajl's user avatar
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1 answer

Fix changing all files permissions to default user in ubuntu [duplicate]

I accidentally ran the command sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu . while i was in the root directory. Now every single files user and group has changed to the Ubuntu user and group. And none of the ...
Tharindu Perera's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

why "sudo copa" command not working, while "copa" commands works

I have installed homebrew with below instructions for ubuntu 22.04 Then I am able to install "copa" a Microsoft tool using ...
user584018's user avatar
0 votes
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Update PATH Variable in Byobu for root

I would like to add a directory to the $PATH variable for all users, including users who run byobu with sudo byobu. I am running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on x86_64. The desired path is below. Note the ...
Jacob Quisenberry's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Java System.getProperty with sudo gets root [closed]

This question is better asked here than in stack overflow since it is more related to Ubuntu than the actual programming language. Here are two different ways to get the path to a file. The first one ...
ilie alexandru's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to get the TeamViewer random password in an other way than by TeamViewer window interface?

On my lubuntu 22.04 distribution is installed TeamViewer (Classic) version 15.41.7. I know that for enable a remote assistance session by TeamViewer I have to send the Code ID and the session password ...
User051209's user avatar
0 votes
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Skip a download in terminal

I am downloading four files (8gb each), I already have 2nd files and i don't want to download it again. How can i just skip it. I don't want to cancel the download as it will cancel the 3rd and 4th ...
Sumit's user avatar
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sudoers.d file not working for a non-sudo user using three commands without password

I want username steamy, a non-sudo user, to execute three commands (i.e., systemctl start|stop|restart factorio) without entering a password. I am using sudoers.d file called factorio: $ sudo ls -l /...
ptay's user avatar
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2 answers

Where can I add to the ***universal*** path?

I'm a script kiddie of sorts and enjoy writing bash scripts for things, and I keep them in a repository that I synchronize, and on my personal computers I keep it in a home/otherStuff/customBin folder,...
Jrome's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make the current working directory be highlighted in color? [duplicate]

my ns-3 is installed inside the source folder i.e., home/my_username/source/ns-3.39, when I try to ls inside the ns-3.39 directory, it gives: ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied So I have ...
K__V's user avatar
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I need help setting my password in a distrobox container

For some reason my other post got downvoted and no replies so I'll try again. I set up a distrobox container for ubuntu 23.04. However, I cannot set the password and therefore cannot run and sudo ...
BioGuy's user avatar
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sudo apt update Received 11 errors. Don’t know what to do [duplicate]

When I wrote sudo apt update I received 11 different errors. I took a screenshot could someone help me fix this. I’m extremely new to Linux bash commands. I just took a 5hour class on the “50 most ...
Handyman-Girl's user avatar
1 vote
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I have 2 problem when I write the command: sudo apt update [duplicate]

E: Malformed entry 4 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (absolute Suite Component)\ E: The list of sources could not be read.
Forouh Sayedi's user avatar
1 vote
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Allow user to run specific commands

How do I enable a user to run specific sudo commands without the need to type a password? I already tried the following: I have a script /usr/local/bin/perform-update with the rights -rwxr-xr-x 1 root ...
Socrates's user avatar
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How to enable a non root user to substitute the file /etc/hosts by cp command, without the sudo command?

On my lubuntu 22.04 I need to change the file /etc/hosts. To do that I would to execute the command: > /usr/bin/cp /path/to/new_hosts /etc/hosts by a non root user without the sudo command. To do ...
User051209's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot get sudo to work consistently without terminal in non interactive script

I have a shell script I wrote that needs sudo access only when needed. It uses Zenity for a GUI and runs without a terminal. The script was working fine but I had one issue with it. It uses Zenity to ...
Damien Stewart's user avatar
1 vote
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Run sudo commands in Java

I am trying to run sudo commands in Java. I have trying to create a program in Java in order to execute nmap commands in it. I am using Java 20 and I am using ubuntu 22.04 as operating system. I am ...
ilie alexandru's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to put sudo operations (apt-get) on a shell script? [duplicate]

I am doing several operations installing packages etc and one of those are sudo apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl obviously it asks my password. Now, I would like to put all the ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

a process started with sudo and put in background still exist after ssh disconnect

Here is the procedure I use: I'm connecting to Ubuntu 22.04 using ssh. I'm editing a file with vim (or emacs) using sudo I'm leaving the editor with Ctrl-Z Then, I close the ssh connection. Either I ...
AymericM's user avatar
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How to run shell script as regular user and then exec sudo in shell script?

How to run shell/bash script as normal user and exec sudo no password in the script
Z. Neuf's user avatar
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Unable to run systemd service without password despite NOPASSWD in sudoers file

I am running Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS and added a custom service file for systemd. I want to start/stop it without entering a password. I checked several posts here and on other StackExchange instances but ...
Apollo's user avatar
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1 answer

node/nvm/npm installations : sudo vs. user install leads to trouble?

The problem appears to be inconsistency with root and user installed node (v.19.7.0), nvm (0.39.3), and npm (v. 9.5.0) and a specific npm-installed package called svg-path-interpolator on an Ubuntu 22....
Bryan-StackExchange's user avatar
2 votes
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Piping sudo <command> through another command adds excess whitespace

Background I wanted to identify if <complex command pipeline> outputs any non-printable characters (it must be run with sudo), so I piped the output through od and was surprised to see each line ...
user avatar
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In a bash script, how do I change from root user to another user using su and then exit?

I've looked at How do I run a 'sudo' command inside a script? but this seems to be a different issue. I want to run a script to change from root to the mastodon user using su, run Rails ...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar
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Nothing shows up in the terminal when password is required for sudo installation [duplicate]

I am a new Ubuntu user and calendar command does not work on my Ubuntu so I install sudo, but it asks for a password. When I try to type the password nothing shows up in the terminal except for a new ...
Fatima Ali's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Terminal not displaying directory, commands executing instantly when pasted; arrow up ==> ^[[A [duplicate]

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. I created the user "dom" when I first set up Ubuntu. From then, I created another user, named "schule" that also had sudo rights. Here is how I ...
User1986's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device

Ubuntu 22.04.01 LTS Gnome Changed python version which resulted in inability to access Terminal and a few other things. Used a liveUSB and then selected to try ubuntu. In that terminal entered: sudo ...
Exquisite Mong's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Sudo Command Missing [closed]

The Sudo command is missing on a ubuntu machine and I can't do an apt-get update because I don't have access to the root password any ideas?
Ip Monitor's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why terminal says 0 upgraded - when sudo update said 2 can be upgraded?

sudo apt update -- says Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done 2 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them. but sudo ...
DIVYANSHU's user avatar
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how to open a folder in terminal in nautilus (with root privilege) ubuntu 22.04

Under the nautilus without root privilege, we can press Ctrl+F10 or right click to bring the popup manual to open a specific folder in terminal. However, it is troublesome to get sudo in the terminal ...
user5151477's user avatar
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How do I use sudo on a script I made myself that is already in my path and executable?

How do I make a script that I made myself that I already put in my path and made executable usable with sudo? (Xubuntu 22.04.1.) The script is located here: ~/bin/myScript. When, from an arbitrary ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
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Not typing sudo password everytime in terminal and apps like vscode [duplicate]

I'm new to Ubuntu, i'm running the 20.04 version. I'm using vscode and bash for creating some Symfony apps. The thing is that every time i try to save my work i have to type the sudo password and ...
remig17's user avatar
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How to give privileges to user equivalent to ubuntu user

I have an Ubuntu server (CloudPanel installed), I can add new sites with user ubuntu by CLI using something like clpctl site:add:php --phpVersion=8.1 --vhostTemplate='...
John Henrique's user avatar
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How can I emulate a sudo shell with the respective environment variables set when using "sudo su -c "<command>"?

I would like to run a sudo command in one line, but also have this command be run as a sudo user with all the respective environment variables instantiated (essentially run exec zsh before anything). ...
Yes's user avatar
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When I run sudo -i or sudo su I get an error

Error when running sudo su: su: failed to execute /bi: No such file or directory Error when running sudo -i: sudo: /bi: command not found How do I fix this error?
marbens's user avatar
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Sudo commands take to long to execute after run VPNC

I'm using VPNC to connect to my company's vpn, and after start the .conf all the sudo commands on ubuntu 20.04 become slower, kill (or deactivate) the vpnc process solve this problem.
Mateus J.S's user avatar
-1 votes
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Do you need to update VLC first before installation? [closed]

I am trying to use commands to update or install VLC on Linux. I am trying to use sudo apt install vlc or sudo apt update vlc but these commands seem like they are not working.
Beginner Again's user avatar
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Why does "sudo apt update" cause a series of 403 connection errors?

Why does sudo apt update cause a series of 403 connection errors? I have a Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine using VMware on a Windows 10 Enterprise computer. Part of setting things up requires I run the ...
xarzu's user avatar
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Git returns error when started from cron

My ubuntu's cron runs a PHP script as www-data to collect statistics by executing git diff --shortstat, it has been working for a month or so, however, starting 2 days ago, no results were returned. ...
bilogic's user avatar
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Accessing Jupyter from a user other than root user

When I'm logged in as root user to a remote Linux server I'm able to run the command: jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=8909 --allow-root When I run which jupyter I get: /usr/local/anaconda3/bin/...
nidooooz's user avatar
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Visudo NOPASSWD not working on specific file

I'm trying to exclude one script I wrote from asking the password when executed, even if it contains a "sudo" command so i've edited sudoers through visudo adding myuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ...
Gabriele Niola's user avatar

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