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When a foreground process is running and ssh connection is terminated,In default behavior The foreground Process receives SIGHUP,but mine kept running

In Ubuntu 22.04, foreground processes may not receive the SIGHUP signal when the terminal is closed, especially if they are backgrounded or detached. This behavior differs from expectations, where ...
Ansh Gautam's user avatar
1 vote
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.desktop application won't open a terminal window

I have a .desktop file located in ~/.local/share/applications: [Desktop Entry] Name=Keg Exec=bash -c "ssh -t rpiz 'python3 /home/pi/keg/'" Type=Application Terminal=True The ...
Lord Elrond's user avatar
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Bash script for executing linux commands on remote machines using ssh key [duplicate]

I want to run a script to get details of hardwares and user details from multiple remote machines by login using ssh private key. this is my script #!/bin/bash # Check if the user provided a file if [...
Subash's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting DEBIAN_FRONTEND remotely

Is there any way to set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive when executing a script remotely via SSH? Doing so I get this error: sudo: sorry, you are not allowed to set the following environment variables: ...
Socrates's user avatar
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able to run the code through TERMINAL but getting time out error through IDE

i am using ssh.exeCommand("cd /root/newbuild/" + arg_obj["nbu_path"] + " && ./install < /tmp/NBU_10.3_response_master2") and triggering a file for ...
Vijay Durvesula's user avatar
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rsync remote paths with spaces and autocompletion is not working

Running Ubuntu 22.04 I have a remote server that I can connect to with ssh. ssh remote So I can copy a file with rsync: rsync remote:text.txt . rsync will autocomplete tex to test.txt when I press ...
Janghou's user avatar
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How to set up disk automount in Ubuntu Server

I'm setting up a small home server consisting of a Raspberry with Ubuntu server. Specifically, I installed Ubuntu 23.10 (GNU/Linux 6.5.0-1007-raspi aarch64) I'm currently manually mounting every ...
Pinguto's user avatar
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How do I kill cvlc while watching a stream?

I am watching a stream by using the command cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 on an Ubuntu device with a webcam. How do I exit? I've tried Ctrl+C, q, :q, etc, and the stream does not quit. Currently I've just ...
GavinTryz's user avatar
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tmux status bar is breaking

Yesterday, I added this to my tmux. I was able to use it correctly. Unfortunately,it started breaking today with this error, and the status bar keeps appearing in ...
Rafaelo's user avatar
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Anydesk settings from the command line/edit config files

There are multiple users that will use an Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 hosted on a virtual machine. I already have X2Go and but I want to switch to Anydesk. I've installed it through X2Go but Anydesk does not ...
Tavi B's user avatar
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Change the Authentication Prompt to be inside a terminal?

I am want to access my desktop PC with ubuntu via SSH from my laptop. So when the terminal required to use this prompt, is there a way I can change it to be inside the terminal instead of a 'visual' ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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How can I stop and rerun git clone command in case of a specified time delay?

I have a custom clone command. I call clone org_name and it automatically clones every repository of that organization for which the current developer has access to. Of course my clone command uses ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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About ssh configuration file internal "~" symbol parsing problem

SEE: I use the root account to log in to the system (HOME: /root) I executed a script file (...
Kerwin Bryant's user avatar
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OOM kills Python calculation in terminal via remote but not in a ssh

I don’t know why my Python calculation is running when I am using an ssh connection to a Linux machine (Ubuntu). The same calculation doesn’t work when I run it in a terminal via remote connection. ...
Archimedes_91's user avatar
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Show a tag in parentheses when connecting through SSH

This is probably a pretty silly question, but one that I can't find the answer anywhere because of the description of the problem: I have 2 linux servers. One is TEST and another is PROD when I ...
Beronien's user avatar
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SSH showing no Output

I have not used SSH before so I'm probably doing something wrong. I am trying to connect to a VM via SSH. On the VM I ran ip a | grep inet which provided this output: inet scope host lo ...
Jonathan Strange's user avatar
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How to run shell script as regular user and then exec sudo in shell script?

How to run shell/bash script as normal user and exec sudo no password in the script
Z. Neuf's user avatar
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CS GO server error on Ubuntu 22.04

As a part of my self-training, where I try to learn anything about VPS's, I wanted to start my own small CS:GO server. I was using multiple tutorials available in the web, but none of those answers my ...
Bart's user avatar
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Terminal issues with SSH via VPN

I try to access a Linux Ubuntu server via SSH from a Linux Ubuntu client machine. When the client and the server are in the same network everything works fine, when I try to access the server remotely ...
Mario Bezzi's user avatar
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ssh with StrictHostKeyChecking

When I am connecting the other machine with ssh, every time I answered this question with yes/no - user@computer$ ssh user@host This host key is known by the following other names/addresses ~/.ssh/...
Vishak Raj's user avatar
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Cannot (mouse) paste utf8 into ssh terminal

I can do Mouse-Middle-Click paste everywhere except my Oracle cloud server, which is running Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS -- Everywhere, if I run date under LANG=zh_CN.utf8 environment and I'll get: $ date ...
xpt's user avatar
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Can no longer use private key to SSH into Oracle Cloud server

This started yesterday after I attempted to execute an SCP command to send a tarball file I had created on my VM to my local machine, it came up with a text block informing me that the address was ...
oraclewoes's user avatar
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Unable to clone GitHub private repo "Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read > from remote repository" [duplicate]

I asked for help on stackoverflow and I was told it is more than likely a Ubuntu problem and was recommended to ask here. I'm trying to clone a private git repo to my web folder on Ubuntu. I've ...
CNRP's user avatar
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Reducing latency before retrieving a local terminal when an SSH session has expired

When working on a remote server, I open an SSH connection in a terminal ssh remote_username@remote_host. For some reason, if I left this connection idle for too long, the terminal becomes ...
s.k's user avatar
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SSH server stopped recieving connections after reboot and kernel upgrade

I am running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on a server, and this morning I ssh'd in to it from the Termius app on my phone to run update and upgrade as per usual, then rebooted it twice to install a kernel ...
BulletproofCoffy's user avatar
7 votes
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scp: How to change ownership of folder and files while transferring files

When I transfer folder with files from srv1 with the username srv1 to srv2 with the username srv2 then the transferred folder and its containing files on srv2 are keeping the ownership srv1 scp -r /...
user19559647's user avatar
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Is it possible to factory reset my Ubuntu Server?

The server is a physical server, so I have access to it, I could install Ubuntu via usb, but that would require me to bring a monitor to the other room, and access the hdmi port on the Gpu, which is ...
Onni Leivo's user avatar
4 votes
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How to configure Ubuntu terminal to jump/select words on Ctrl(+Shift)+Left and Ctrl(+Shift)+Right?

I use Windows 11, but I also have Ubuntu running in WSL or when connecting with SSH. In Windows PowerShell terminal, Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right jumps a word to the left or right. Adding the Shift key ...
mark's user avatar
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Bash export errors when ssh-ing in

Context: I am running an Ubuntu 22.04.1 virtual machine on my firewall using trueNAS and I solely interact with it using ssh Whenever I start a new terminal session I get these two messages: -bash: ...
Thewolfhearted's user avatar
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FTP user that can browse all home subfolders

I'm new to servers... I have disabled root login via SSH for security reasons. I have created a 'user' but that user can only browse his own /home/user folder via FTP. If I want to be able to control ...
Milan Grujić's user avatar
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SSH Error : bash: ./installer: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

I am trying to execute this code. #plesk rm -rf installer curl -L -o "installer" "" chmod +x installer ./installer I am getting an ...
Stellan Coder's user avatar
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SSH with "Do not execute a remote command" hangs

I have Ubuntu 22.04 installed on a remote server. I can ssh to the server without any issues. I often need to open a vnc tunnel with the following command: ssh -L 5901: -C -N -l username ...
Mac Technicon's user avatar
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Can I switch to a different PTS session opened using SSH

I'm using ssh to connect to a Ubuntu Server VM running on my desktop from both the desktop and my laptop like this: krzysztof@Alan: ~$ ▶ w 13:53:46 up 1 day, 18:03, 7 users, load average: 0.32, 0....
Krzysztof J. Obara's user avatar
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How to log all command ran inside a SSH session by ip for `dash`

Hi I am able to log all the commands ran by a user on my ssh server using these lines in my /etc/profile. whoami="$(whoami)@$(echo $SSH_CONNECTION | awk '{print $1}')" ...
avi7611's user avatar
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Tunneling with tun2socks to bypass Iran's internet censorship

I am a beginner, I was trying to tunnel between my computer to VPS1 (which has restricted internet due to Iran government policy) and VPS2 (From an Europan provider). Just rented an Ubuntu 20 VPS ...
Takeshi-YOL's user avatar
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Need help after setting my /etc folder to chmod 777 [duplicate]

So I did the really dumb CARELESS action of running sudo chmod -R 777 ./ while in the etc folder. I can’t ssh into my server or anything now. I feel like an absolute idiot ofcourse because this could ...
Lite's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04.1 server: Putty will not accept any keyboard input properly when Putty is displaying a GUI in command prompt

Background: While using Putty on Win10 to SSH into an Ubuntu 22.04.1 headless server, this problem happens. PROBLEM description: As seen in the image below, showing the Putty text interface, the arrow ...
eliu's user avatar
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Is is possible to start a gui app without a rdp session

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 Linux setup, with xfce, xorg and xrdp installed. My objective is to run an application inside a graphics environment, do some clicks, monitor its performance, and them close it ...
Petru Tanas's user avatar
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How can I setup a bash script to open a cli, then input a command into that cli

I have set up an SSH connection between my home workstation and my work laptop. I want to make a script that I can launch as a desktop application that will open up the CLI and execute the login ...
Andy's user avatar
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Whiptail menus not responding to key presses or mouse clicks - displays ```^[[B``` when I press down arrow

I have created an installer bash script for setting up a DigiByte full node via the linux command line. It works fine in Raspberry Pi OS lite 64-bit on the Pi 4, but if I install Ubuntu Server 64-bit ...
saltedlolly's user avatar
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How can I write/modify the root directory file through single line command ( Using ROOT password )

I had been trying to write PermitRootLogin yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file as a normal user. In search of that from somewhere I got this, echo "PermitRootLogin" yes | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/...
Aditya Vaste's user avatar
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ssh terminal behavior difference between 20.04 and 22.04 [duplicate]

I use Putty (v0.77) on Windows 10 to access a bunch of remote Linux virtual servers. There's a strange difference in terminal behavior between servers running Ubuntu 20.04 Focal (or Debian Buster, for ...
ras's user avatar
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Using scp to copy a remote file containing spaces requires double space escaping. Why?

I was trying to copy a file from a remote machine to my machine using scp. The problem I was facing arose when the path to the remote machine contained some spaces like: scp [email protected]:/...
Eypros's user avatar
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I accidentally authenticated wrong SSH key in my ubuntu terminal. How can I fix this?

I am new to Git. I created a new SSH key in my terminal, added it in Github and then I tried testing SSH connection in my terminal using these commands:
PradeepYDK's user avatar
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How to autorun .sh

I have a game server that I would like to manage restarts automatically Currently I am doing this to run the server screen -dmS screenname // create a new screen screen -xs screenname // attatch to ...
Ben Shepherd's user avatar
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Switch to zsh only for current user after ssh into remote server using sudo?

As title. I just sshed into my lab's server and it's Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. But I'm a macOS user and I have gotten used to zsh, but the shell of the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server defaults to /bin/sh. My current ...
nanono's user avatar
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Issue with Linux multi user creation using bash script

As per our requirement we provided our devloper group: devs:r-x to /var/log/httpd directory. Now I'm creating a Linux function , which take the developer's first name and create a linux user in our ...
santosh baruah's user avatar
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Cannot log-in into my linux ubuntu and lost my home directory and its files

So today i was learning a bit of linux using my linux ubuntu 20.04, i was learning about autofs. I installed autofs and configured it as was shown on the video i was watching. So it was time to create ...
Lihle's user avatar
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How can I put terminal output on both machines in ssh?

I am using ssh between two computers, and I was wondering if it is possible to see the terminal output on both computers at the same time. Something like Windows Remote Desktop perhaps. For example, ...
Patrick O'Brien's user avatar
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How can I pass multiple instructions in one ssh command?

I'm having a problem that I've been stuck on for a while. I did a lot of research and quite a few answers came up but these don't seem to fit in my case. This is what I'm looking to do: Through the ...
TyrellBadd's user avatar

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