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2 answers

How to replace a file path with whitespace using sed?

I have many different files with a string in them. I need to replace this string with a path, although the path contains whitespace. So far, I have this: for a in files_[a-z][a-z]_all\.conf ; do ...
Spaghetti's user avatar
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4 answers

How to use sed to remove newlines above and below a string?

I'd like to change all occurrences of \ntoken1\n and \ntoken2\n to token1 and token2 in a file). I thought this would do it: ${ N N s/\ntoken1\n/token1/ s/\ntoken2\n/token2/ } but it does not. Thanks ...
John-L_.'s user avatar
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sed mongodb connection string copying multiple times in env variable through github action

this is command which i run in github action its copying into .env.production file sed -i "s#DB_URI=.*$#DB_URI=mongodb+srv://xxxxxx:[email protected]....
DevOPs's user avatar
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Deleting lines beginning with a string

I wrote a bash script that I use to backup certain directories to the cloud. I then direct that output to a log file. The log file consists of lines starting with either "upload" or "...
Kenneth Odle's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Nautilus Shows Locked sed* files that do not exist

After running a couple of thousand sed commands to make global file changes to my web site, specifically ensuring that every .html file is a valid HTML5 document, Nautilus shows that the folders that ...
James Cobban's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I make output of sed command as variable?

How can I make the below command as variable ? I mean I need to assign this command to variable to use it within for loop. for i in $(sed 's|/home/bssuser/Scripts/Amany/log/bssuser/CDR/...
Amany Abd Elmnem's user avatar
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How should this sed command be rewritten to avoid an unterminated 's' command error? [duplicate]

I'm slowly following along with a Linux certification textbook just to bolster my skills a little. Text stream processing is the current topic, and the command I'm working with out of the book uses ...
runujhkj's user avatar
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Multiply found text in sed - is it possible?

This is what I have: echo -e "a\t4\nb\t7\nc\t2\nd\t12\n" | sed -rn 's/(.*)\t([0-9]*)$/\2\t\1\1\1\t/p' 4 aaa 7 bbb 2 ccc 12 ddd This I want: 4 aaaa 7 bbbbbbb 2 cc ...
xerostomus's user avatar
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How to add double quotes around string and number pattern?

Hi I need to add double quotes in a pattern in 300k lines. I'm trying to use sed and I read multiple inquiries here and other sources, but I can't seem to understand its syntax. I have: chr1 ...
Thalles's user avatar
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appending variable to end of file with sed

I have dates on the last line in files like this: 20230220 and I want to add hours like this: 2023022000 The hours are continuously assigned to a variable i in a loop. How to use sed inside the loop ...
CaosWT's user avatar
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3 answers

awk or sed command to replace line break plus text containing spaces

An answer to another question suggests sed -i 's/original/replacement/g' file.txt to replace specific words in a text file. My starting situation looks like this: Item: PRF Type: File ...
Ray Woodcock's user avatar
-1 votes
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Remove last occurrence in a file with sed

I want to remove the very last occurrence of "(* cds_ams_schematic *)" in a file using sed command. `view schematic `timescale 1ns / 1ns (* cds_ams_schematic *) module ... endmodule // ...
Syed Tauseef's user avatar
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How to use "sed" for replacing xml tag in multiple lines xml content on bash

I want to use sed to replace the XML tag on bash. Here is the example xml content for testing: <xml-content> <validation> <timeout>2880</timeout> <subject>example</...
stackbiz's user avatar
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Append the output of sed to a file

I have two scripted files, say file1 and file2. I want to take the content of file1, change character a to A in file1 and append the output to file2 without modifying the content of file1. I'm trying ...
Radagast's user avatar
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Why does sed command output "char 5: unterminated `s' command"

I ran some command as below to debug my script but it was not work. $ L="Thanh,Fri 11 Nov, Mon 14 Nov,LX,VN" $ B="Fri 11 Nov, Mon 14 Nov" $ N="11.11-14.11" $ sed 's/'$B'/...
Thanh Nguyễn Xuân's user avatar
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SED find and replace not working as expected

I can't seem to get my sed bash commands working correctly. What am I missing? sudo sed -i '/^server-port=*/ c server-port=19132' /opt/bedrock_server/ sudo sed -i '/^server-portv6=*/ ...
ausip's user avatar
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4 answers

how to separate each content in the file?

I have a text file (more then 1GB in size) and it contains lines like these: ...
maa's user avatar
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Sed (or other command) replace character range with hex codes

Let's say we have a file with non-printable characters. I would like to visualize those using their hex codes. Arte there a single liners that can achieve it, without writing a full-blown program. say ...
Dr Phil's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What does this sed command actually do with those wildcards

lineNumber=$(dialog --inputbox "Enter the line number to update that line: " 8 60 --stdout) update=$(dialog --inputbox "Please enter the informations as 'name,surname,phone number,e-...
Halil Can Parlayan's user avatar
1 vote
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Delete all lines from a line with certain string until another line with a diffrent string in a file

file.txt: start some text works "HELLO" foo test sum other end start som "other" line with text 'also' thing foo end and I want to delete the line in which "HELLO&...
NodeX4's user avatar
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sed: -e expression #1, char 32: unterminated `s' command

I have a text file that has many groupid = []. I wan't to edit the specific line which is 41, How can I do it? My command: sed -i "s/groupid = []/groupid = [ 2 ]/" rights.toml I have tried: ...
Eyup's user avatar
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How do I use sed to replace with cat file content

I tried the following code, but it doesn't do what I want: echo "include(file.txt)" | sed -E 's/include\(([^)]+)\)/'$(cat $(readlink -f /tmp/$1))'/g' I need replace some special words with ...
flavraul's user avatar
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How do I get variable substitution to work with this sed command

I have this script: PATTERN=xAB dd if=/dev/zero count=1 bs=10 | sed "s/\x0/\${PATTERN}/g" > test_ab hexdump -C test_ab output I get is: $ ./make_test 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 10 ...
arcomber's user avatar
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removing entire line with sed using wild characters

E219 E36 C5X C201 C19 C5X E229 E36 C5X E239 E36 C5X C311 C19 C5X In this file example, I need to remove all lines containing C[0-9][0-9][0-9]. How I can do this with sed command? The ...
deepblue's user avatar
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6 answers

delete 50 random rows in a txt files that have their second column labeled as 0

I want to use the terminal commands for deleting 50 random rows from a txt file that is tab separated and has these sample rows where the second column is 0. The value in the second column is either 0 ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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using sed command to give variables with echo

We are trying to use the sed command to give back contents from 2 files (file1q and file1a) - a question and answer file. The question and answer file are the same with numbers on each line: 1 2 3 4 ...
robot010101's user avatar
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sed with ANSI color escapes fail

I do not know why this does not work: echo -e "$(echo "This is an uncolored text" | sed "s/{This is an uncolored text}/{This is an \033[0;34uncolored text\033[0m}/g")" ...
Bruno Lobo's user avatar
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Appending text, written in variable, below current line using sed

I can append text below current line, using the sed editor: $ foo=bar $ echo "some text"|sed "a\bar" some text bar But when I try to append text from variable below current line, ...
Josef Klimuk's user avatar
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Using sed with a variable inside double quote

I have a file input.xml which contains a line: <exciton lambda="1" fix="hole"/> in that line I want to replace 1 with 2 but I can't use just 1 as key word since there are ...
Jatin Kashyap's user avatar
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Using sed or awk to remove near-duplicates

I currently use the following to get as close as I can do to a file cut -d ' ' -f 3- /var/log/issues.log | sed -E 's/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}//g' | sort -u So far it gets rid of ...
pee2pee's user avatar
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Apply sed operations only to lines beginning with a particular string

I have the following file format Received from +11231231234 at 2021-10-10T19:56:50-07:00: This is a message that contains words like from, at, etc. Sent to +11231231234 at 2021-10-11T06:50:57+00:00: ...
jf4i2d's user avatar
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Find command from left to right and attach ID

I am trying to match MRI files with their volume files. Background: Link to files: ...
Bob Bobinson's user avatar
1 vote
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Making folders when the names have "/" and " ' "

I'm building up file paths (and mkdir-ing them) based on variables: mkdir "$root_folder/$title ($year)" I came across a situation where $title was 9/11: Inside the President's War Room. The ...
Cas's user avatar
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Sending bash script variables to sed

first time poster here and I searched for quite some time but didn't find a thread I could understand well enough to solve my problem. I have a loop in my script that generates certain variables via ...
hesey's user avatar
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Why is renaming files with sed and mv printing '$'\r'

I am using Ubuntu on a Windows 10 machine. I am trying to rename 5 files (file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt, file4.txt, file5.txt) so that each file is replaced by Sample#_VoucherID.fastq.gz. To do this,...
Justin's user avatar
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Sed for replace a substring inside a string with a pattern

I am trying to replace a part of a pattern, such as, if I have col(3,B,14), after applying the sed command, I would like to get col(3,B,t14) which adds the t character to the third parameter in the ...
CGeorgi's user avatar
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Sed for replacing pattern

I would like to replace a pattern, which consist of a var surrounded by () with sed. The next command success : echo "This is the pattern : th_now(5, almost done!" | sed "s/th_now($var/...
CGeorgi's user avatar
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How to write complex sed query which got special char

I am struggling to replace a string with a special character. I am using the command below and I tried to escape each special character, but I am still getting an error. If I don't use special ...
L V Prasad's user avatar
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Nested Command in sed substitution

I'm trying to used sed to find and encrypt ansible_password field in an inventory file and encrypt it with ansible-vault command. But ansible-command is failing throwing an sed error, where as a ...
Munavir Chavody's user avatar
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Weird output while using sed to rename files

I am using Ubuntu 20.04.2 with GNU sed version 4.7. I have a bunch of music files that got named weirdly because they did not have all the info I specified to be in the file name. For example, "...
Sahil Patel's user avatar
-1 votes
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find: paths must precede expression: `.'find: possible unquoted pattern after predicate `-exec'?

i need to execute in background this command sudo find '/abc/abc/' -type f -exec sed 's/domain1\it/domain2\com/g' '{}' \; . & but I have two issues: find: paths must precede expression: `.' find: ...
Dantino Esposito's user avatar
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Batch Rename DIrectory Using Pattern Matches

I would like to change this directory structure to the one following it. Although another directory batch rename question exists, this one is quite different. l '001. Aretha Franklin - Respect.mp3'* '...
Lenny217's user avatar
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Caching the last 3 values of a variable isn't working inside script

My goal is to cache the value of a variable, going three times into history. So: path=value3 cache1=value3 cache2=value2 cache3=value1 ---------------- path=value4 cache1=value4 cache2=value3 ...
Cas's user avatar
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sed edit string between spefic paragraph in a file

I hava a file called a.txt. And it contains the following contents. It's unknow how many lines between each function. function a( line 1; line 2; line ...; properties pro = "test"; ) ...
Sun Steven's user avatar
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How to "timeout" a function so that it only runs once every 5 seconds eventhough it is called multiple times per second

See below: still_notify=false has_been_notified=false notify() { $has_been_notified && return watching=$(if [[ $(GET http://$ipplexserver:32400/status/sessions?X-Plex-Token=$...
Cas's user avatar
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How to replace text from a match (but not every match)?

I want to replace AllowOverride None from the group that has /var/www/ path. I'm using sed to do this but it's replacing every match. apache2.conf before running the script <Directory /> ...
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sed - trouble using a variable which is previously set with another variable

I would like to know why sed does not work when the value is set in var, $thecolor ? (I cannot use an HTML parser for this). The desired result is available without using a variable to set $...
Insideup's user avatar
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Bash script to update BIND ACL - unwanted character

I am trying to update a file on a server where the new line needs to have a single tab at the front but new to bash scripting and sed and keep getting an unwanted character at the front. This is the ...
freddy2020's user avatar
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How to replace string with file contents which contains symbols using sed

I have one word in one of my files and I want to substitute that word with xml file contents. considering that xml file contains some symbols which sed isn't able to process the command I am using isn'...
Saba's user avatar
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Using sed to replace multi-line strings in apache2.conf file

As part of my Bash server setup script, I am trying to lock down the default apache www website. I want to convert this: <Directory /var/www> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks To this: <...
Andrew's user avatar
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