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Setup Static IP for USB Ethernet Adapter Ubuntu Server

im using a USB Ethernet Adapter for my machine and I would like to setup static IP for that. Ive been following tutorials from other sources but it only applies to cable ethernet. Im using Ubuntu ...
Vu Le therealvubeoo's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Given MAC address, how to tell if interface is wifi

Is there a way, on the command line, given a MAC address of a local network interface on the current machine (e.g. 01:23:45:67:89:ab), to determine if that interface is WiFi vs wired? I'm trying to do ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Where is the documentation that describes and explains the output of the ip link command?

Here is some fake/sample output of the ip link command. 2: enp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 3: eno1: <NO-CARRIER,...
raul's user avatar
  • 131
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1 answer

Problem writing udev script to disable onboard network card

I'm trying to disable a faulty onboard network card with the solution suggested in this answer: . But for some reasons, the script/commands are unable to write ...
rusty's user avatar
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3 answers

Pull mac address via bash script

A bit background. Im creating a script that will run on USB stick with Ubuntu. It needs to pull various info from the current laptop its connected to and save it to a file. Right now Im using "...
pa-sc's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make script work to set IP address of ethernet adapter?

On Ubuntu 22.04 I have the following script #!/bin/bash INTERFACE="enx00e04c681730" echo "Interface: $INTERFACE set to IP $1" ifconfig $INTERFACE down ifconfig $INTERFACE $1 ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to add code to .bashrc without causing errors?

I'm learning how to passthrough my NIC to my KVM. This guide says to add the following code to the file ~/.bashrc #!/bin/bash # change the 999 if needed shopt -s nullglob for d in /sys/kernel/...
user1416486's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I closed the terminal while updating and did not reboot because upgrading apt is in progress

I closed the terminal while upgrading, and did not reboot the PC because upgrading with apt is in progress. The desktop doesn't show everything that it usually does. For example, the icons in the Dock ...
Manas Bhatt's user avatar
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Making koha and dspace available on a network

Recently, I installed Koha on my Ubuntu 20.04 system. I was informed that extensive configuration isn't necessary; I just need to ping the IP. However, I'm unfamiliar with these steps. I'd like to ...
Flarethrive Limited's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why isn't Linux terminal letting me type after I've pasted something?

I'm a Linux noob and I'm absolutely struggling. One of my projects for my "internship" is to set Ubuntu as the domain controller. The OS of the machine is Ubuntu 22.04. I'm following along ...
Cyberen's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server 22.04 ping timeout even though it gets IP address and it shows connected on my router

Ubuntu Server 22.04 ping times out even though it gets the IP address and it shows it's connected on my router. The timeout happens when I ping to/from it in the network, but running ip a shows that ...
Adam Joney's user avatar
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Identify PHYSICAL Network Interfaces?

I'm working on a network automation project. I'm writing a python script that will remotely scan Ubuntu servers and network switches and then do its best to reconstruct the network's physical ...
Pete's user avatar
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Can't download file throught ftp with ascii mode

I'm trying to download file from my own ftp server, but there's a problem, when I try to do it with ascii option. Download goes for 1-2sec and then fails like this: local: BF1.TXT remote: BF1.TXT 229 ...
Shamuosu's user avatar
6 votes
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Ubuntu server 22.04 how do I determine what DNS server is in use from the command line?

I've already read the link here. I tried this from the accepted answer nmcli device status but I get this result sudo: nmcli: command not found. Then I read this link. I tried this systemd-resolve --...
CB_Ron's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Script to switch between networks in ubuntu using nmcli

I'm trying to switch between already populated networks using a bash file using nmcli but I'm get non sense data back. But get nonsense 1) 0 #? 0 Code below. #!/bin/bash # Pre-populated UUID data ...
Rick T's user avatar
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SSH showing no Output

I have not used SSH before so I'm probably doing something wrong. I am trying to connect to a VM via SSH. On the VM I ran ip a | grep inet which provided this output: inet scope host lo ...
Jonathan Strange's user avatar
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Terminal has network (DNS?) issues but browser works fine. ipv6 issue?

EDIT: It seems it might be a cable modem issue: according to ipv6 is not working both in Ubuntu as well as windows (dual boot, same workstation), and neither on my smartphone ...
JRTG's user avatar
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how to install sharp AR-6023NV

how to install sharp AR-6023NV printer in ubuntu 22.04? It seems there is no any driver for Ubuntu 22.04. Suggest please Regards.
alangaram paul raj's user avatar
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Ulimit settings doesn't applied (when I log off/after a while)

I have a bash script that creates IPv6 proxies using 3proxy. It works just fine. I wanted to add a new function called rotating. Basically, this rotating mode adds IPv6 addresses to the network ...
Erikli's user avatar
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3 answers

What does "routes" mean? [Netplan, YAML file]

Here's an example I've taken from somewhere: routes: - to: default via: I've seen that this syntax has replaced the "gateway4", however, I've searched for infomation ...
Camy07's user avatar
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ssh with StrictHostKeyChecking

When I am connecting the other machine with ssh, every time I answered this question with yes/no - user@computer$ ssh user@host This host key is known by the following other names/addresses ~/.ssh/...
Vishak Raj's user avatar
1 vote
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bluetooth not working ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

its the same problem where you toggle on and off bluetooth in the settings but nothing works. please help. its appriciated. ive tried reinstalling bluetooth and bluez. and tried $ service bluetooth ...
Krednie's user avatar
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2 answers

how to solve curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: Connection reset by peer in connection to error?

I am trying to install the Homebrew package on my system but whenever I try to run the below command to install homebrew I am getting the above-mentioned error Command to install homebrew: ./bin/bash -...
Coder_7's user avatar
1 vote
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How to reset `ip a` index to start at `1` and end at `number of devices`

The command ip a shows list of network ports and also shows an index. For example, 1 for lo and 2 for enp5s0 here: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group ...
ItzMe's user avatar
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Reducing latency before retrieving a local terminal when an SSH session has expired

When working on a remote server, I open an SSH connection in a terminal ssh remote_username@remote_host. For some reason, if I left this connection idle for too long, the terminal becomes ...
s.k's user avatar
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ns3 installation error

NS3_MODULE_PATH = ['/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/games', '/usr/local/games', '/usr/lib/wsl/lib', '/mnt/c/Program Files/Common Files/Oracle/Java/...
Ayaan's user avatar
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0 answers

Can't run Google Chrome in the terminal of Mininet clients

I am using Mininet in Linux as a simulator. When I enter Xterm h1 and enter google-chrome in the terminal of h1 I get these errors. Could not open the default X display.
Ehsan 's user avatar
0 votes
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SSH server stopped recieving connections after reboot and kernel upgrade

I am running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on a server, and this morning I ssh'd in to it from the Termius app on my phone to run update and upgrade as per usual, then rebooted it twice to install a kernel ...
BulletproofCoffy's user avatar
3 votes
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Share Clipboard between two PCs over Network

I have the following setup: A Windows computer on my left screen, connected to the local network. A Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu Server 22.04 on the right screen, also connected to the local network I ...
MySurmise's user avatar
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Can you install a single network printer on Ubuntu 22.04? I

I am very new to Ubuntu. I write on Libre Office,Firefox, and Email. For most of my life I have used Windows. I was told by a computer repair service any HP printer will install in Linux. My Canon ...
NewbieNancy's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How to get the ip address without ifconfig or ip command in Ubuntu?

Today I got a new Ubuntu server. I tried to get its IP address with the ifconfig or ip commands. But I got a command not found error. I searched the errors on Google, and it looks like I need to ...
toyou2023's user avatar
1 vote
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How to install wi-fi driver? [duplicate]

I have no other option to connect to internet except my wi-fi adapter (Mercusys MU6H). I'm completely new to ubuntu and linux itself so I don't exactly know the details of installation through the ...
havyal's user avatar
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2 votes
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Oneliner to get the command which started a process on a certain port

I would need a one-line command which, given a port number, returns information on the command which started the process running on that port. Usually, I get this information by running a sudo netstat ...
Tms91's user avatar
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Unable to view the contents of the /etc/environment file

Unable to see the contents of my '/etc/environment' file. I have tried using Vi and vim but still unable to see the contents . I wanted to add some commands in /environment file to $PATH for which I ...
Rohan Jha's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add internet speed meter in ubuntu 22.04

I read so many articles and steps for doing it. I have a doubt that doing that steps will bring virus to my ubuntu.can you please guide me how to install internet speed meter in 100% secure way
John's user avatar
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Tunneling with tun2socks to bypass Iran's internet censorship

I am a beginner, I was trying to tunnel between my computer to VPS1 (which has restricted internet due to Iran government policy) and VPS2 (From an Europan provider). Just rented an Ubuntu 20 VPS ...
Takeshi-YOL's user avatar
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dns how to assign ip to ubuntu domains

I have a dns. I set it up, connected 2 domains to ns, now I need to assign IP to these domains via dns. You can see that the domain is connected to ns through the command: ~$ dig +noall +authority +...
Regular User's user avatar
0 votes
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Ubuntu DNS connect domain to IP of name server

I have a VPS on ubuntu. Also I configured DNS (, and connected 2 test domains to those NS (I wrote those NS in record in domain registration site for 2 example domains)....
Regular User's user avatar
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How can I tether my phone's internet with bluetooth through the terminal after pairing the devices?

I have paired my phone to my laptop with bluetooth using the below commands: sudo apt update sudo apt install bluetooth bluez bluez-tools rfkill rfkill unblock bluetooth bluetoothctl agent ...
3nws's user avatar
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How can I remove dns server by command line on Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop?

OK. I install a Server with Ubuntu 20.04. I set the Network with IP: Netmask: Gateway: and DNS: Now I need to change DNS: to ...
Midata Tech's user avatar
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Am trying to set sambashare path to whole computer

I just switched from Macos to Ubuntu and am trying to connect my devices with smb over lan. The connection works but only the "sambashare" folder is being shared. path = /home/username/...
Ruut's user avatar
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Problem with airmon-ng not recognizing the windows card

I'm exploring some tools and in this case it's aircrack -ng enter image description here Network card enter image description here well my problem I have Ubuntu terminal on windows and when I type ...
FaltaDEiNfORmAçÃO 's user avatar
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Using ethernet LAN with a proxy server. Ubuntu terminal not connecting to internet but browser is connecting [duplicate]

I assume the terminal is unable to connect to internet since when I use 'sudo apt update', I get.... Temporary failure resolving ''.. Also, ping gives no result. I am ...
Hrishiego's user avatar
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Netifaces gives KeyError: 2 while running from cron

I want to schedule a cron job for running a server client application during startup. What I did is crontab -e and then put the following line @reboot cd path/to/folder && /usr/bin/sh /home/...
mrin9san's user avatar
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How do I cut using the delimiter? [closed]

Can someone help me to use cut command to remove daemon.warning below? Jun 23 15:10:47 MC41241492 daemon.warning [vrrpd] VRRP:state_init Jun 23 15:10:47 MC41241492 daemon.warning [vrrpd] VRRP ID 255 ...
zichrist's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Run Terminal Commands simultaneosly on multiple systems on the same network [duplicate]

Title states the question. I have to run terminal command(s) on multiple systems at the same time. For instance, I have to run sudo apt install -y firefox on every computer on the same network. Say, I ...
La Corazón's user avatar
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I can connect github through a webbrower but not a shell or window subsystem linux (WSL)

For some reason I can access through a regular webbrower like Chrome, but not Windows PowerShell or WSL. I've highlighted tracert which I think may be important. Here are some outputs from ...
FREL's user avatar
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18 votes
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Access Windows network shares from Ubuntu shell in WSL

I'm trying to migrate from Cygwin to WSL. In bash on Cygwin, I could do things like: $ ls //servername/sharename to access a Windows shared folder. I didn't need to mount it or anything first, it just ...
sprad's user avatar
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Trying to change Mac address with MACCHANGER upon every restart, does not work

Im new to Linux! I want to change my MAC Address automatically every boot up, the issue is I cannot follow the already existing tutorials on this since my system does not work with those. Online ...
Wheaton Keensmeer's user avatar
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Why a raw listening socket on port 255 keeps opening up and closing in random interval?

A random listening raw socket keeps opening up and closing in random intervals on port 255. Running "ss" in the shell with this line, when I was testing for something else : sudo ss -eoinlp ...
cabonamigo's user avatar

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