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-1 votes
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find a file name using command line

I would like to determine the location of a file using command-line. I have tried: find ./tor.keyring I must be missing something here
Rye Moe's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I find files of a certain extension(s) except in paths that contain certain strings and then print the result to a file?

Upon a little search, I came up with this command: > find . -type f \( -name "*.exe" \) | egrep -v > 'games_1|rei|games|tor|jogos|mods|text' > 1 What I wanted to do was find files ...
Nuno Fonseca's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why doesn't the given command mask other lines? [duplicate]

Command: sudo find / -name -print | grep -i "miniedit" | tail -1 Output: find: ‘/proc/10031/task/10031/net’: Invalid argument find: ‘/proc/10031/net’: Invalid argument find: ‘/...
kesarling's user avatar
  • 121
4 votes
3 answers

Search for a "string" or "String with Spaces" recursively that may be a file- or directory-name or a text inside a file

I would like to search for the string rstudio (and its different possible combinations mentioned below) recursively starting from /. In some locations, rstudio is a string inside another file (but ...
koustav_ch's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Help finding files with the same filename (except what's inside parenthesis) and deleting the smaller size ones

I need to know how to find one or more files with the same filename (except what's inside parenthesis) and delete the one(s) with the smaller size, in a folder. I don't care if it's a GUI app or ...
Nuno Fonseca's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Correct way to delete /boot/firmware .bak files in Ubuntu 22.04?

I'm very new to Ubuntu, I installed the Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS (64-bit) image, with their imager tool: # lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description:...
Floren's user avatar
  • 151
0 votes
1 answer

Find images recursively, copy, rename, and resize?

How can I find images recursively and copy them into their own directories with new names? For example: folder - subfolder1 - a.jpg - subfolder2 - b.jpg - subfolder3 - c.jpg So I can get: ...
Run's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to use variable in Find and grep command?

find command to get files have part of their names as date ($Y variable that has date in the script) Y=(date -d "1 day ago" "+%Y-%m-%d") find /log/bssuser/CDR/Postpaid_CDR_Log/ -...
Amany Abd Elmnem's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

how to use find command to get files created yesterday?

What is the option used with find to get files created yesterday on Linux scripting? The below trials don't work: find /log/bssuser/CDR/Postpaid_CDR_Log/ -newer yesterday OR find -mtime 24 ----------...
Amany Abd Elmnem's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

list items correctly in bash with a space in their name

I have for example following Files: test1.txt test2.txt test space.txt I use the following command: output=$(ls -l --time-style=long-iso | awk '{print $8, $6}') And I get following output: test1.txt ...
Chuck's user avatar
  • 19
7 votes
1 answer

To delete the directories using find command

I am using the Linux command to delete the directories from my server. find . ! -name . -type d -mtime +30 -print -delete But the directories are not deleting. Attached the image , please refer. I am ...
Varun K M's user avatar
  • 183
2 votes
1 answer

Get stats of number of files of unqiue file extensions including binaries from command line

I am trying to recursively count the number of different extensions and how often each of them occurs in the files of a directory and I want to include the number of files with no extension. I am ...
anjanesh's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to delete files with specific size?

Using ls -lSrh I get this output: -rw-rw-r-- 1 a a 2.4K Feb 15 04:44 10010.png -rw-rw-r-- 1 a a 2.4K Feb 15 04:43 1000.png -rw-rw-r-- 1 a a 2.4K Feb 15 04:44 10009.png -rw-rw-r-- 1 a a 2.4K Feb 15 04:...
αԋɱҽԃ αмєяιcαη's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Calculate video total video length and output as total with respective folder

I'm working with some videos and I want to measure the total length of videos each folder contains and output it with the respective folder. Current structure is like this. . └── Parent folder/ ├──...
John Snape's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

exclude files that have specific characters in name

here is my command to find files in a specific location and with specific extensions only, it works fine. But I want to exclude files that have '_bkp' or '_backup' as a substring in their file names - ...
Atul's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

how to us the chown command and mv with find command

I have been searching around and found this question which almost solved my problem. The goal is to have a folder on Ubuntu server which other computers connect to and save files. I have two ...
spinster3908's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Remove all files in folder except files with certain sequence

I have a folder with a massive number of .dat files that follows a certain pattern (i.e., *_t_0.1000.dat, *_t_0.1001.dat .... , *_t_0.2000.dat). What I eventually want to do is to delete all files ...
user844843's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Linux TCP/IP Connections Limit

I want only 1 incoming connection from port 1000 to 65535 to be able to connect to the ubuntu server, how and in what way can it be done?
soheilsh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

UBUNTU commands to find file in a folder

I want to find files in a certain folder with certain extension, lets say finding ".sql" in "/backup-nfs". Later on, I will use this command on crontab to delete some files ...
padjee's user avatar
  • 19
0 votes
1 answer

Why does "ls --all --recursive -1 *.htm*" only list files in current directory?

In Terminal I do this command: ls --all --recursive -1 *.htm* or this: ls -a -R -1 *.htm* But it only lists the html-files in the current directory...?! According to 'man ls' that option has this ...
Henrik R.'s user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Find commands include files not in directory

there are only three files/subdirectories in my directory root@acd95b24dde6:~# ls -l total 1048 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1067355 Sep 6 12:57 apollo13.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Sep 12 22:02 out....
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why does "cp" complain about identical files when chaining with "find"?

I have a find command as below that lists the matching files: $ find . -type f -name "*.txt" ./level2/file2.txt ./level2/level3/file3.txt ./level2/level3/level4/file4.txt ./level2/level3/...
Isaac's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot locate file after moving

The thing is that I am starting after a few months of experience in linux to use the command line. I was trying to use a new "cursor theme". I found on reddit that I needed to move the file ...
milintime's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to find files using the `find` command and add text to them?

What I am trying to do is find files using the find command and then add text to those files. I tried multiple ways, but nothing works: find . -type f -iname 'filename' -exec '{}' echo "hello123&...
Saksham Sharma's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Moving contents of a directory to another

I want to move all the contents including files and sub directories from /home/storage_new/nidhal/foldertest/ to /home/storage_new/nidhal/foldertest1/. When I use the command ... while true; do ...
nidooooz's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do I search for a certain folder located inside the root directory?

I'm specifically looking for the command equivalent of sudo find / -name filename for searching folders instead of files in the terminal. Suggestions with a better set of commands for achieving the ...
skekmal's user avatar
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0 answers

Display files that have additional rights for group and others that the user does not have

I have a problem to solve for a university class I am taking. I need a command that lists files in a directory that have a group or others permission that is set, but it is not set for the owner (such ...
Andreea Silvia's user avatar
1 vote
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Find files from timestamps

I have a lot of files, of which I need to show only those created in the last 3 hours, and sort this list by date. I tried to do it with the following command: find /root/shell/copy/ \( -type f -mmin +...
Par4o's user avatar
  • 11
2 votes
1 answer

Where does Kubuntu/KDE keep references to themes?

I hope this message finds you well. I've attempted to remove a desktop theme via System Settings > Workspace Theme > Desktop Theme. Clicking the 'Remove Theme' button removes the theme from the ...
ArthurDent's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Find all files with given extension in subfolders, and add substring corresponding to subfolder

I have numerous txt files, scattered across different folders. - case1 | - 0.25 | - case1.txt - 0.35 | _ case1.txt - 0.30 | _ case1.txt -...
DeltaIV's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Shell script to delete all files of certain type in different folders, except 10 latest

First of all, please excuse my poor english. I am trying to write a shell script to clean up some files of certain type in my backup folders. I need to remove files of certain type, except 10 newest ...
Nazar Tareyev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Rename some files to their own name + something else

I have a directory like Photo and I want to change the names of the directories inside it -> to what they are, but without it [www.faraDa...] like the first one that I change by mv command. but I ...
Sir-Sorg's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How to list all ASCII files present in a directory?

I want to list all ASCII files that are without extensions(.txt) in my present working directory(home). I started with the ls command in the terminal but i don't know what i should put in the options ...
skekmal's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Find command from left to right and attach ID

I am trying to match MRI files with their volume files. Background: Link to files: ...
Bob Bobinson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

why is output different of counting files?

I just want to count all the files in a directory. I used two method what I found: tree /home/bkp Whit this method the output is 2177879 file. find /home/bkp -type f | wc -l And with that one is ...
Márton Stark's user avatar
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Output of find | xargs not redirecting to log file

I'm developing a Bash script which cleans up old data files periodically, and right now everything works except for the log file I'm trying to generate so I can see what it did. The structure I'm ...
KneadToKnow's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

My `find` command in script does not find files and directories with spaces in their names

Some time ago I wrote a script that moves files and directories from Downloads to .Downloads if they are older than 3 days, and delete them from this directory after 30 days. It is working just fine, ...
Simon Hryszko's user avatar
1 vote
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Searching for and deleting files with a certain extension or ending with a number

I'd like my script to find a certain file type and delete it. I know that find path/to/directory/ -type f -name '*.ext' -delete will find and delete all files with the extension. Now I'd also like to ...
Mahmoud's user avatar
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1 answer

find -exec rm -r print delete

I am trying to delete terabytes worth of folders and would like to see that things are actually being deleted. Currently, the command find . -name "labelled_point_clouds" -type "d" ...
Kong's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I find folders without a certain name?

I'm trying to find a lot of folders, all without a certain bracket. They're movie folders, like so: Zombie Flesh Eaters (1979) [tmdb-7219] Zombieland (2009) [tmdb-19908] Zombieland Double Tap (2019) [...
SDXCPTDR's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Find command shows the files are present but not found inside the directory

I tried search a files using following find command find . -type f -mtime +18 -name '*[-.]20[0-9][0-9\-]*' -exec basename {} \; I can see the files output like . handh2.access.20210429.bz2 handh2....
Vikram 's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Trying to find files beggining with a number

For my school, I need to search all the files who start with a numeric. Ive tried searching on the web before but didnt find any answer. I need to use the find command. The question is: Are there any ...
Liberty K's user avatar
0 votes
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Using find to edit multiple files in multiple directories (that are in consistent form)

what I a trying to do is to use find to edit/replace string in multiple files with same name in multiple directories with consistent form multiple files: status1_cap multiple directories: /home/user/...
charlie090's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Find the list of immediate next directory from the given location for reaching a destination file?

We can find the full absolute path of a destination file using find keyword. In my case, I need the list of all immediate next directory to my given location which can lead me to my program log file ...
Aadil Hoda's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Find files with certain text within certain date range

I have a folder with huge number of files and I want to extract files present with certain text XYZ created within a date range. I found this to search files within a date range, but unsure how to ...
Vicky's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

sh -c '...' sh {} not working when using if statement and having ' in the filename

I have the following simplified script: find /home/cas/plex-media/series/ -type f ! -name "*.srt" -exec sh -c ' file=$1 if [ if-statement using $file ]; then echo "true&...
Cas's user avatar
  • 582
0 votes
2 answers

Linux Command [Requirement] [duplicate]

Can anyone tell me what this command means? I've seen it in a tutorial but can't get it well. find . -type f | xargs file
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1 vote
1 answer

How to find and return the names of all images containing specific metadata?

I want to find all .jpg files in my directory that contain a specific tag and copy them to a different directory. In particular, I am using GThumb which allows me to put tags to my photos - it stores ...
Jca's user avatar
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find - Logical operators

I want find shows me the result with excluding permissions 660 AND files. I.e. it has to show me files that have no permission 660 and all directories. I run: find "/path/to/dir" -not \( -...
Bob's user avatar
  • 208
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1 answer

Move all files related to a Basename file in folders and subfolders

I have this files into a folder: Enero.01200.2019.txt Enero.01200.2019.pdf Enero.01200.2019.png Febrero.03100.2019.txt Febrero.03100.2019.pdf Febrero.03100.2019.png Inside of each .txt file I have a ...
valeria carrillo's user avatar

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