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How to Replace Files?

In current directory I have a file called file.txt with the contents: new and under the current directory there is a folder named inner with a file called file.txt with the contents: old How can I ...
john's user avatar
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2 answers

how to create input read with newline in bash?

I want to ask I have a problem, how do I get input in bash to do newlines? read -p "List Name: " list cat <<EOF >names.txt List Names: $list EOF i can not do a new line or use ...
Joe Cola's user avatar
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1 answer

commands from root and commands from sudo

sudo cp -f ~/Download/foo.txt ~/Download/bar/ or other commandand its executed (It isn't "cp" command centered question), so which is the difference between execute one command from sudo or ...
Zyncho's user avatar
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/etc/ssh/ssh_config: line 58: Bad configuration option: subsystem [closed]

I have a configured the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file as below - # This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file. See # ssh_config(5) for more information. This file provides defaults for # users,...
dEvOps 's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How can I copy a file n Linux terminal, without pasting it? [closed]

I have run this in my Linux machine # cp file . Is that command copying file1? Is there anyway to paste file1 in other folder after using above command (whitout cp file1 path/to/file)?
Antonio Sanchez's user avatar
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GUI does not start and forgotten login [duplicate]

I have this issue GUI does not start. To solve it, I have to use terminal using Alt+F2. However it demands login and password to take actions in terminal. I forgot my login. Any ideas?
Mahmoud AlBardan's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I run an executable file named "c2p.i696"

I am trying to run a file name c2p.i686. This is an executable file, but I don't know how to execute this file.
Ali Lee's user avatar
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2 answers

How to delete Ubuntu from my Laptop completely? (no Windows) [duplicate]

I recently deleted Windows from my Laptop and installed Ubuntu to use it as a main operating system (no other operating system beside Ubuntu installed). So I want to delete Ubuntu now. I want no ...
Redouan Azizim's user avatar
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zip command throwing error Ubuntu (14.04.5 LTS), Please suggest [closed]

when I am running(zip t1.txt) in Ubuntu CLI, its showing error, but generating a random binary file (eg: zin6e9Tx, you can see in 3rd line). # zip t1.txt adding: t1.txt (stored 0%)...
ksingh's user avatar
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2 answers

How to specify location of file with wget download?

I try to download file so wget -P /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/movies/2019/ -O love.mp4 But it locates the file in root and not in /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/...
Aiooo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I check how many Python versions are installed? [closed]

Is there a single command to show which versions of Python are installed in Ubuntu 14.04? I know that if I type python --version or python3 --version I'll get the version of either one, but is there ...
Pamela's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why can't I run multiple files through a `while read` loop?

I want to run this command in 180 files: cat kegg_random.tsv | while read line ; do echo "$line" | join -1 2 -2 1 -e"NA" -o1.1,0,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5 -t $'\t' - kegg_sort_2020.out | shuf -n1 >> ...
Victor Borin's user avatar
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How to view the console.log of an application whose terminal is closed [closed]

I am completely new to Linux and Ubuntu. I have a Node Js application in which the console logs the data to the terminal. The application runs on a particular port. I run the application by ...
nXn's user avatar
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can't paste the project file into the htdocs on ubuntu [duplicate]

for command sudo usermod -R root.xamppusers /opt/lampp/htdocs shows usermod: invalid chroot path 'root.xamppusers'
roy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add disk as folder in Ubuntu 14,04? [closed]

How to add those last disks as folder on system sdc 8:32 0 2.7T 0 disk sdd 8:48 0 2.7T 0 disk root@Ubuntu-1404-trusty-64-minimal ~ # lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE ...
Lord_M's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Command at /etc/crontab not run at reboot?

I have used the crontab to run a command that repeats every 30 minutes. From the tutorials, I written the following command to /etc/crontab */30 * * * * root /usr/bin/python /home/pi/>>/...
mcv's user avatar
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Core ubuntu applications will not open

The Files and Terminal apps on my machine will not open. Anytime I try, it loads for a bit, and then nothing. No loading sign, no window, no gui, no error, nothing. If it helps, when I start up my ...
LittleKitacho's user avatar
-1 votes
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./ungrib.exe: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `PNG12_0' not found (required by ./ungrib.exe)

Recently I installed WRFV version 4 and now am trying to ungrib.exe but it shows: ./ungrib.exe: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `PNG12_0' not found (required by ./ungrib.exe) ...
sai nani's user avatar
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Cron job daily folder report

So I have a script that generates a report about a folder date,folder size, and disk space. I don't understand how to get the date and time the report was generated and My script correctly outputs ...
Kayenine's user avatar
2 votes
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how input redirection works?

On my understanding, any command that reads from standard input (i.e keyboard), that it gets its input from a file. $echo < text_content.txt $ But echo command does not read and display the ...
rajini raja's user avatar
1 vote
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How to make YOLO algorithm run detection on images automatically and saves them in a separate folder?

I was working on this project here, and to detect pictures I have to run: cd darknet make then the triggering command line: ./darknet detect cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights data/dog.jpg So, my ...
electech's user avatar
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'gedit' on the command line vs via the desktop

Related to Gedit won't let me change the text size: stuck in giant text mode I'm using the MATE desktop version of Ubuntu 14.04. If I right click on a text file via the desktop, and choose "Text ...
Max Williams's user avatar
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How to use GUI In Ubuntu 16.04 Server

I have installed GNOME GUI in my Ubuntu server (Digital Ocean). Now I need to access the GUI. I use putty to connect but Putty Is only used as a terminal (SSH) there are no GUI options on it. so I ...
Eli Shain's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get a log of at what points in time a directory was modified?

In my present working directory, there is a subdirectory called modelled_data I wish to get information on last few (may be 10) modifications of the subdirectory (including its subdirectories and ...
Della's user avatar
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12 votes
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How to set permission "-rw-rw-r--" to file?

I have a file with permission -rwxr-xr-x in Ubuntu. How can I change it to -rw-rw-r--. I played with chmod settings, but was unable to get -rw-rw-r--.
Markus's user avatar
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strange behavior with sed and text files on Ubuntu

Ok first of all, i'm working in a VPS with Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS I'm trying to manipulate several text files with sed and my results aren't what it was suppose to be and i can't find a reason for that.. ...
Lcross Portugal's user avatar
3 votes
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How to open an .html or .css file in Brackets from the terminal

I am using Brackets in Ubuntu 14.04. Ubuntu gets the following error when trying to open a file in Brackets from the terminal. $ brackets developers.html [1007/]...
Dima Bors's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Right-clicking and selecting Terminal in Desktop doesn't set path of the terminal to the Desktop

Why doesn't right-clicking and selecting "Open Terminal" in Desktop set the path of the terminal to the Desktop? On the other hand doing the same thing from other directories sets the path as expected....
Atinesh's user avatar
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Terminator custom command inside ssh

Referring to many Q&A before, I was successfully able to execute multiple custom commands on a terminator launch. Right now this is my workflow: Launch terminator Step 1 launches a custom layout ...
user3122825's user avatar
1 vote
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What does ping -l mean?

Can anyone help me in understanding this command? ping -l 1 I don't see the difference between ping and ping -l 1 as they both ping Google continuously. Your help ...
ddzz's user avatar
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Execute commands with pdsh

I'm trying using pdsh to execute a bash script across all my nodes, but pdsh will not allow me to cd into directories and also does not allow me to execute python bash: python: command not found. How ...
Soubriquet's user avatar
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14.04 stop Xhost running at login

Anyone know how to stop xhost running at login for cli logins? all it gives is "xhost: unable to open display """ error because theres no Xserver running on this system. Regards, A
A.Adverse's user avatar
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How to update Tree to 1.7

I've installed tree using the command line sudo apt-get install tree but it installed version 1.6 and I need 1.7 Any suggestion how to achieve that appreciate your kind help.
Jocky Doe's user avatar
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Reading Package list takes too long in ubuntu 14.04

When I enter sudo apt-get update or sudo apt-get install somthing in ubuntu 14.04 server Reading Package List takes too long time. When I changed name of /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't take too long, ...
Sina Qahremani's user avatar
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Bad substitution error for running a bash command for many files in a folder in for loop

I have some files (image-1.nii, image2.nii, etc.) in a folder (INPUT_DIRECTORY) which are inputs to a command, and the result files should be saved in two other directories (BIAS_DIRECTORY,...
S.EB's user avatar
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4 answers

shell to print modification date of all directories name match pattern

I want to write a shell program which will go through all folders whose names match a pattern like this: sudo sh pub When run, the script will look for all folders whose name contains ...
Muh's user avatar
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Using LS To Show The Date Modified And A Specific Number Of Files

I am using ls -t | head -8 to show the last 8 files modified in a directory, but this only prints the file name. Is there a way to alter the above command so that it shows the modified date for the ...
MitchMahoney's user avatar
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Go through all folders whose names contain a given pattern [duplicate]

let suppose I have folders with names af32, af42, af, and I want to print the last modification date of all folders whose have af* pattern for example . I writed shell that will take folder or files ...
Muh's user avatar
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Bash script : Navigate within directory and read the value from text file

I am trying to read a text file and then navigate inside the directory as per the first chars of the line i read from the file. please check the script below. #!/bin/bash filename="/...
kunal's user avatar
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Unable to install OpenGL/GLUT libraries

I'm trying to install OpenGL/GLUT libraries but I always get this error. Can someone help me? I tryed to install il using the command sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev The following packages have ...
Giovanni Giampaolo's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot login to Ubuntu via either GUI or virtual terminal

When I try to login to Ubuntu 14.04 from the GUI, it flicks back to the login screen. Also, I am not able to login via guest session. When I try to login via Ctrl+Alt+f1, it shows I have logged in, ...
indrajit guha's user avatar
1 vote
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How to resolve java : not found?

I execute the command sudo cassandra -R to start cassandra and I get the following error. getopt: invalid option -- 'R' /usr/sbin/cassandra: 158: exec: java: not found It points to the following ...
AksTester's user avatar
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find grep exec, result

If I run the following command find ./dir -type f -newermt 2017-04-01 ! -newermt 2018-06-30 -printf "%TY/%Tm/%Td %TH:%TM:%.2TS %p\n" -exec grep -E -l "pattern" {} \; | sort -n; will return this: ...
Mario's user avatar
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how to find specific file with date range [duplicate]

Is there a way to list all files that have been downloaded in the past 12 hours (or 10 days, or 2 months) without knowing the exact location? For example, let's say that the system downloaded ...
simple mind's user avatar
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Updating files takes very long? Is there any way to short it? [closed]

Im trying to copy one folder to another. There are the same and I need to merge them. I tried this command: rsync -azr "$TEMP" "$TARGET" Im using raspbian and raspberry pi zero but it takes very ...
Anna K's user avatar
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Command line Java: Error: A JNI error has occurred/Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I'm trying to compile/build/run a Java project for the first time on Ubuntu 14.04. The project depends on the CPlex optimization library. I've compiled the code using javac -classpath .:/opt/ibm/...
ellen's user avatar
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Suppressing logout msg ubuntu

I have added several lines to be executed in systemwide /etc/bash.bashrc such as notifying a login via email, etc. I have noticed that upon exit which invokes logout, systems prints those lines to the ...
Amir's user avatar
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Set a shortcut for opening Terminator (similar to Ctrl+Alt+T, but not replacing default terminal)

I have both terminator and the default terminal installed (under Ubuntu 14.04). I have Ctrl+Alt+T linked to the default terminal which is fine and should remain as is. Now I also would like to use ...
arennuit's user avatar
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A weird Bug! Ubuntu keyboard and terminal, need guidance

Today I observed a very strange behavior on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. While my keyboard is fully functional on gedit editor and some other applications, when I am in Terminal, Google Chrome, or software ...
Artemis-a's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Troubleshoot Graphics Card/Driver problem in Ubuntu

I'm having issues with my old graphics card (ATI HD4850) on Ubuntu 14.04. I suspect it may just be getting old from running hot for so long, but I would like to make sure it's not a driver problem (...
tlhIngan's user avatar
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