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efitools issue on UBUNTU 20.04.6 LTS

I cannot run efi-readvar command to check the secure boot variables on my system, I have installed efitools utility but when I run efi-readvar command I get the below output, it seems the package ...
Luis Aguilar's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How can I copy a file n Linux terminal, without pasting it? [closed]

I have run this in my Linux machine # cp file . Is that command copying file1? Is there anyway to paste file1 in other folder after using above command (whitout cp file1 path/to/file)?
Antonio Sanchez's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Restore a Database from a .Bak file in Ubuntu CLI MySQL?

I am currently trying to restore a database that is currently saved as a .bak file on a flash drive. I have MySQL installed on a headless install of Ubuntu so CLI is the only way I can restore this. ...
Caleb Henshaw's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to open header file by terminal [duplicate]

I want to open header file in /usr/local/include. How to open it by terminal?
Roka's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to delete duplicate files with the same size and date?

For a reason I do not know, Postfix decided to duplicate all the emails I received in a specific folder after my return of vacation. Instead of having ~1000 emails in that folder, I now have 401120! ...
VincentCrete's user avatar
3 votes
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Read input for bash script

I'm learning shell scripting, and i want to get input for variable mynum My script is not working: #!/bin/bash mynum echo -n "Please enter the number to validate--->" read mynum if [ mynum -...
azardin's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Problem on laravel composer installation in 12.04

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - laravel/framework v5.3.9 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing ...
Vivek Tamrakar's user avatar
4 votes
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GNOME Terminal Title as Number/Position of the tab

Searched and not found here. So posting it as fresh question. Usage: GNOME Terminal Version Ubuntu 12.04 I used to open multiple tabs in GNOME Terminal. If the count is less then 4 or 5 I ...
Parthiban's user avatar
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0 answers

How add language by command-line? [duplicate]

I want to make a bash script which add language in System after re-install I don't want to use GUI (I know how to do it) May be anybody now how to do it by command-line ? P.S. Might I didn't say ...
Gleb Bondarenko's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to fetch binaries a package will install?

Given a package name that is not installed (binutils is installed and binutils-gold is not in my case), how to figure out what binaries it is going to install? dpkg -l binutils* Above lists out both ...
Subhajit Kundu's user avatar
1 vote
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Notification when Wifi disconnect

I run a script in terminal but sometimes wifi disconnects and script stops working. I am mostly away from the laptop, so is there a way to make me notify with sound when wifi disconnect? In ...
hzleonardo's user avatar
-1 votes
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running shell script using c program [closed]

I wrote a script to hide user input during runtime it works as a simple script but i want to integrate into c program but gives following errors: warning: missing whitespace after macro name error: ...
Deepansh Kapoor's user avatar
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compare two xls file to remove duplicate rows

I have two xls files of 8MB and 10MB. I have to merge them and remove duplicate rows. (Both files have unique rows but after merging there will be duplicate rows). I have tried merging the files, but ...
vidal's user avatar
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where to find Terminal log history with commands and it's results?

I tried to install Yocto project in Ubuntu 12.04, when for the first time i got few warnings, and i gave a rerun then i got some other warnings in the terminal. Now, my terminal is exceeded it's ...
Mahesh K K's user avatar
2 votes
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copy local file to remote server in ubuntu terminal

Jeez, where's Windows drag and drop when you need it. How can I achieve this simple task? In Ubuntu Terminal I have the prompt: metheuser@metheuser-HP-Pavilion-g6:~$ I make it: metheuser@metheuser-...
CHarris's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Ubuntu 15.10 update-motd.d not affects the MOTD

I added a new file 80_own-motd to the /etc/update-motd.d directory on my Ubuntu 15.10 Server. #!/bin/sh echo ">>>>>>Welcome to my Ubuntu Server<<<<<<<<<&...
root777's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
3 answers

Command 'ls' showing directory size instead of block-size

Is there any ls parameter which I can use to display file-size for directories as well. When I do ls -s, it shows me block-size(4k always) instead of directory size. Thank you!!! Edit - Partial ...
We are Borg's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I completely remove/uninstall an application?

I need to remove Pitivi video editor and Cinelerra and a few more applications, I have seen people talking about how to uninstall something completely but the problem is that I don't even know the "...
Emily Shan's user avatar
2 votes
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lsusb detects the device but it still doesn't mount

I have a WD passport external hard drive which used to work fine as recently as this morning. Now when I connect it with my laptop, nothing happens. Here's what I done so far: lsusb detects the drive ...
Archit Verma's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

./configure doesn't make makefile

I'm trying to install GTKTerm on my 12.04 LTS distribution. I read the INSTALL file for install the software. First I run ./configure, no errors are shown, but there is not the makefile, so when I ...
linofex's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Change Terminal Name to be the Current folder Name [duplicate]

How to change the title of Terminal to be the Current folder Name? for example i'm in the folder test then the terminal title should be test as well. Note : i don't want the full path that comes ...
ismnoiet's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I shut down remote and local system from terminal? [closed]

How can I shut down and restart local machine from terminal? How can I shut down and restart remote systems from terminal. I have remote IP.
user1140237's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Piping Terminal command to Gedit for further editing [duplicate]

I have a complex command in my terminal window which I would like to edit further e. g. echo "This is a complex command I want to edit in an editor" How can I pipe this line of code - not the output ...
somethis's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to run crontabs with sudo R CMD BATCH? [closed]

I would like to run a crontab every day at 12h. So I defined a path to my Script with the following syntax: 00 12 * * * sudo R CMD BATCH /home/.../test.R In order to test that I just ran: sudo R CMD ...
Mamba's user avatar
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1k views cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am trying to install an old program from here I can't seem to get it working it kicks back "shark: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or ...
Justin Parker's user avatar
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How to view bootups extending 1 month

I am trying to view a log of previous bootups. The following command does exactly what I want it to do last -x | grep shutdown with the only limitation being that it only displays events within the ...
Blaine's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Change root name in ubuntu [duplicate]

how're you doing? I am somewhat new to ubuntu and finding problem changing the root user name. My terminal displays priyank@Alex right now. I changed the second name to Alex using hostname and hosts. ...
jalaj sharma's user avatar
0 votes
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Screen not refreshing after Nvidia driver install on Ubuntu 12.04

After installation of new Nvidia driver for Quadro 400 on my PC, refreshing is not proper any more, especially with the terminal. Even after trying a few solutions such as suggested in the post: Gnome-...
CS13's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to downgrade/unpatch bash for ubuntu 12.04 LTS to get back to the original vulnerable version of it?

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I tried resolving the the shell-shock vulnerability of environment variables by updating bash. Is there any way to downgrade the bash and again try and demonstrate for the ...
Pallav's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

"Unable to locate package" When installing in Terminal [closed]

When I install softwares in Terminal it says Unable to locate package(The name of the software that I'm installing) a lot of times, what do I do? I use Ubuntu 12.04.
Emily Shan's user avatar
1 vote
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how can i change in this file "ip_local_port_range"?

I'm new to Ubuntu I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and want to change in this file but i can't /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range tried to use this command echo "1024 65000" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/...
user3188912's user avatar
0 votes
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apt-get: error while loading shared libraries:libapt-pkg [duplicate]

I am facing a problem which seems to be unsolvable. I am trying to resolve the issue but to my disappointment nothing seems to work. The problem I'm facing are as follows Whenever I try to run sudo ...
Abhijeet yadav's user avatar
4 votes
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Ubuntu closes Gnome terminal overnight

I used to run a Perl TCP Socket program 24*7 in my UBUNTU server. Usually I would open the Gnome terminal and go to script path and start the Perl script. The Gnome terminal stays open throughout. It ...
gzix's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to execute bash aliases functions in the terminal?

I found out that many people have something like in their /etc/bash.bashrc as aliases: del_recursive() { find . | grep '$1' | xargs rm } process() { ps -ef | grep $1 } apache() { sudo ...
funguy's user avatar
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How to make a bootable pendrive in command-line?

How could a Bootable USB Pendrive can be created using the Ubuntu command-line. Can we use a script for the same? Can somebody help on this?
kiran bbnl's user avatar
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nc command: conflict between different Ubuntu machines

I am using Ubuntu 14.04. Then I have an Ubuntu 12.04 machine running on virtualbox. On the virtual box machine I listened on port 12345 using the command nc -l 12345 And on the host machine, I ...
Anonymous Platypus's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Why I get "Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive" with TAR command?

I'm trying to follow this tutorial to full backup my linux / Ubuntu 12.04 after a fresh restore. my code in tar -cvpf /backups/fullbackup.tar --directory=/ --exclude=proc --exclude=...
Bill Bird's user avatar
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unresolved host / Upgrade 12 to 14 Ubuntu/ Net Connection fine through browser

I recently upgraded to 'Trusty' i.e. Ubuntu 14.04. I tried pinging through the terminal. ping ping: unknown host I tried the following: sudo apt-get remove --purge ...
complextea's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Unable to execute command in ubuntu 12.04 [duplicate]

I have been assigned a Ubuntu 12.04 system.I have administrator privilages but when i try to execute command such as ifconfig,sudo etc the command does not executes.I have executed ifconfig command ...
PrathamN's user avatar
1 vote
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PATH is not getting exported by default in Ubuntu 12.04

When i run su on command line and enter root password, I am getting error as mentioned below: Command 'lesspipe' is available in the following places /bin/lesspipe /usr/bin/lesspipe ...
bornfree's user avatar
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How do I copy and paste from a Windows 7 host machine to a Ubuntu 12.04 terminal VirtualBox?

I am running VirtualBox on my Windows 7 laptop, running an Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) Server as guest machine. I would like to copy some commands (which are too long to write on terminal) from ...
gurupal singh's user avatar
1 vote
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getting different version of java in ubuntu

I am getting different version of java when i run java -version and javac -version. for java-version iam getting java -version java version "1.7.0_65" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.3) (...
Madhav Bhattarai's user avatar
1 vote
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gnome--terminal -e option not executing?

I want to open my terminal with some commnads executed in it on bootup. So I wrote a script with following line in it: gnome-terminal --tab -t "MyPC" -e "sh -c 'firefox &;exec bash'" --tab -t ...
Siddharth Trikha's user avatar
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Listed folder cannot be deleted

I have a server with an app on it which uses themes (mollify) however after looking at the website this morning no CSS was being displayed so I had a look at the themes as my first port of call. What ...
Aravona's user avatar
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How to upgrade Xampp to the newest version

This might seem like a silly question but by golly I've tried and tried for a whole week and no results. I don't know if it's something wrong with my queries, or too much "Install Xampp" clutter in my ...
Captain Gold's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How can I reset system time to network time from the command line?

How can I reset system time to network time from the command line in 12.04 LTS? It's a headless machine, so I don't have access to gui options.
user2587274's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible to shorten a unix terminal command to a shorter one? [duplicate]

Let's say I have this command: /sbin/ifconfig|grep inet|head -1|sed 's/\:/ /'|awk '{print $3}' Is it possible to shorten this to let's say writing host in the command line?
funguy's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to add running program icon to left-side bar? [duplicate]

As in question, how can we assign an icon here? Regards
Jacob's user avatar
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cannot start Ubuntu desktop from console

I am trying to re-enter my ubuntu desktop 12.04 LTS after an upgrade that failed due to the computer going out of power during the upgrade. Since then, when I log in with my password, I get onto the ...
Dabo's user avatar
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bash: /etc/bash.bashrc: Permission denied I have no name!@lappyname:~$

During resolving another problem I run this command : pkexec chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers pkexec chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/README mount -o remount,rw / Than after error occurs and after reopen the ...
Kamlesh Kumar's user avatar

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