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Questions tagged [colors]

Questions related to screen/app colour problems on display devices running Ubuntu.

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491 votes
5 answers

What do the different colors mean in ls?

What do the different colours in Ubuntu's ls command mean? For example, when I type the ls command in one of my folders, I get one of the files in light green, the other (which is a folder) in blue ...
Rafid's user avatar
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282 votes
13 answers

How do I change the color for directories with ls in the console?

On my console the color for directories is such a blue, that it is hard to read on a dark background. How can I change the color definitions for ls?
rubo77's user avatar
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140 votes
5 answers

Changing colors for user, host, directory information in terminal command prompt

Is it possible to change the colors in the command prompt for the user@computer, as well as the the current directory and command parts of the prompt display? I've already seen something like this ...
Luiz Rodrigo's user avatar
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130 votes
13 answers

Script to display all terminal colors

Throughout the internet I have seen many people with scripts that prints out a bunch of stuff in all the colors defined in ~/.Xdefaults. However when I try to use these, I always get error: Bad ...
John Howard's user avatar
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127 votes
5 answers

How do I get a colored bash?

How can I get the bash to look colored like this?
daniel451's user avatar
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107 votes
8 answers

Print a 256-color test pattern in the terminal

How do I print a 256-colour test pattern in my terminal? I want to check that my terminal correctly supports 256 colours.
Tom Hale's user avatar
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101 votes
5 answers

How do I enable full-color support in Vim?

I have a lovely Vim colorscheme (xoria256) and it looks brilliant in GVim, but when I use normal vim in Terminal, the colorscheme is only partially supported -- for example, the default semi-...
David Siegel's user avatar
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60 votes
9 answers

How to calibrate the monitor on an Ubuntu system?

What is the procedure to calibrate the monitor and what software to use? Edit: I think what I mean is "colour profile" if that's what it is called. I happened to notice that the same photos look very ...
kounryusui's user avatar
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54 votes
9 answers

Is there a pdf reader allowing me to change background color of (arXiv) pdfs?

Its quite common that one wishes or has to read lots of PDF files which are intended to be printed, but since one would read them only once, and one wishes to save some trees, one reads them on ...
c.p.'s user avatar
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49 votes
9 answers

Can `cat` show files using code markup in colors?

Sometimes I quickly want to view the contents of a file from the command line. For this I of course use cat, but it is often source files in Python, Java or simple HTML. For these files it would be ...
kramer65's user avatar
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44 votes
10 answers

What's a simple "colour picker" app for GNOME?

I need a small tool to ‘pick’ a colour anywhere on the screen (so that I basically get the hex code for it). Earlier, I've used KDE's KColorChooser for this. According to this page, "Gpick" sounds ...
Jonik's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

How can I change the TTY colors?

How can I change the standard 8 colors (16 if you count the bright versions) that are used in the various TTYs in Ubuntu 12.04? I'm not talking about the Terminal or XTerm applications, I'm talking ...
Kerrick's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

Saving output of a grep into a file with colors

I need to save the result of a grep command into a file, but I also want the output file to be formatted and keep the colors just like in the terminal. Is there a way to do that? Maybe make grep save ...
Moha the almighty camel's user avatar
32 votes
10 answers

How to fix unreadable tooltips in Eclipse Helios?

This is what a function tooltip looks like for Eclipse CDT in Ubuntu 10.04 with the default theme: ! There's nothing in Eclipse's General > Appearance > Colors And Fonts preferences settings. Is ...
richq's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

How to convert image to CMYK in GIMP?

I am supposed to send some artwork to the printers tomorrow and their guidelines requires it to be CMYK. I have installed the plugin Separate+ from the 'gimp-plugin-registy' package. I have also ...
edm's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Ubuntu 22.04 shows wrong colors

Before opening a bug I would like to know if anyone else has the following Update from 18.04 to 22.04 with exactly the same hardware, nvidia GTX 1050ti graphics card and same monitor, while in 18.04 ...
Mario's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Eye strain after using Ubuntu for some time

I upgraded to Ubuntu 17, and my eyes started to get tired very quickly (e.g. in 40 minutes). It seems to be some problem with the OS, since it didn't happen with the older Ubuntu version, and it ...
daniels krauklis daniels12345's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

What is the Ubuntu colour?

I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about, that deep magenta. I would like to know it's RGB value.
wim's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

How do I change hyperlink colours in LibreOffice Impress?

I have a lot of Powerpoint slides that I converted to LibreOffice Impress. The resulting hyperlinks are very faded, very hard to see. I can't seem to find any way to change the colour of hyperlinks ...
Marita Moll's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

How can I change the purple background color of Ubuntu plymouth boot screen?

I'd like to change the background color of the purple plymouth boot splash to another color, how can I do this?
NES's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

How to change the color of the scroll bar?

The scrollbars in Unity are of very low contrast, and I can't see where the bar is using just peripheral vision. I have to look at the scrollbar. Look at Mac OS X interface and notice the blue, ...
culebrón's user avatar
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19 votes
0 answers

Colored borders around windows after update [duplicate]

After some gorgeous updates I witness this:
Ivan's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Automatically get different terminal colors each time I open terminal

I often find myself opening three terminals and I really like the look and feel of having distinct color palettes on each. I have a few color palettes saved and I would like the default to progress ...
kpie's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

How do I change the color of desktop icon text

Gnome-shell's desktop is unusable with any light colored wallpaper as the icon names (also white) are unreadable. There doesn't seem to be anyway to change their color, changing various themes doesn'...
labarna's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

How do I set the prompt to use two colors?

One thing I liked about Mint was that the terminal would usually show two colors: everything from the left to the $ would be one color, and everything past the $ would be another. Is there a way to ...
TSJNachos117's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Night light and Redshift don't work

I installed Ubuntu on a disk partition just two days ago and everything work like a charm. The only problem I'm having is with the screen temperature color. In Windows I use f.lux and I set the color ...
Brigo's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

How to enable 24bit true color support in Gnome terminal?

According to this page, Gnome Terminal supports 24bit true color. This is consistent with Wikipedia. When I run in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Gnome Terminal 3.6.2, the result is the ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

How do I set the background color/pattern in a Nautilus window?

In Previous versions of Ubuntu, I used to go under the edit menu to set the background color of a Nautilus window. I have no idea how to do this in Ubuntu.
Randy's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How to change desktop background colour in GNOME?

I am running Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with GNOME 3.18, and I have set an image as my desktop background, it has a white bit around it, however when I set it to be "Spanned" on my desktop in the GNOME Tweak ...
user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Permanently disable color in default terminal

I can't figure out how to disable the colors in the terminal(just the default, gnu it's called?). Been looking for an hour and ran some code that I saw else where. Also tried emacs ~/.bashrc and added ...
Kdrumz's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Different colors for active/inactive Unity window title bars?

Wow - this seems so difficult to resolve! I've searched and see other people with similar problem/complaint about being able to quickly identify active window, for example, Highlight Window with ...
RRelax's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

No terminal colors in Ubuntu Server 12.04

I've tried everything from this duplicate question but I still can't get it to work. The only difference from that question is that when I run env | grep TERM I get TERM=xterm instead of TERM=xterm-...
pzkpfw's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How can I fix the dull colors I am getting in Ubuntu 19.04 Terminal?

I've just recently switched to Ubuntu 19.04 and I am now getting dull colors in terminal but only outside of programs: In comparison you can see the vivid colors I am used to when I use ranger: I ...
user3711004's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Redshift/F.lux not working on Ubuntu 16.04

I have installed both Redshift and f.lux on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine to try to change the color temperature of my screen. I can open the apps, but neither of them has an effect on the screen color tone....
Sergei Wallace's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Change color scheme for xfce4 terminal manually

I want to bind a shortcut to change my solarized color schemes (dark and light). For this purpose I need to know a command for terminal to change its color scheme, but I haven't found such one and I ...
mitrx's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

xcalib error - unsupported ramp size

I'm trying to change the contrast with xcalib with the command xcalib -co 70 but I get the following error: Error - unsupported ramp size 0
tomasantunes's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How to change color AND width of non overlay scrollbars in Ubuntu 12.04

I know many people have complained about the almost invisible and not usable scrollbars in recent versions of Ubuntu, even after removing or disabling the default overlay scrollbars. I wonder how can ...
Chuqui's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Image colors are wrong in 'eog'

When I open an image file in eog it displays the wrong color. Here is a screenshot of the problem: And here is a screenshot of the problem temporarily fixed: by using xprop -root -remove ...
Joseph Hill's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How do I calibrate colors without extra hardware, like dccw.exe on Windows?

Colors on my monitor are too yellow. On Windows 7, there is the color calibration tool accessible from the Control Panel, or as dccw.exe. I'd like to calibrate color without extra spectrometers ...
Joshua Fox's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Is there a command-line tool which returns the colour of the pixel based on screen co-ordinates?

Is there a command-line tool returns the colour value of a pixel, based solely on its screen co-ordinates. Is there such a tool? (Also: The tool should not require any user action. It is to run in ...
Peter.O's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How to get color man pages under fish shell?

There seems to be a way to get man pages to display in color (see here. It involves setting environment variables associated with less and adding these definitions to .bashrc. I tried doing the same ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

How to add custom color scheme to gedit-3.14.0

I change the xml file in the /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/ but it didn't work, and when I want to add my own scheme through the Preference --> Font&Color and it replied that "The ...
Seth Lee's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

VLC color problem in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I've got this color issue on my VLC player in Ubuntu 14.04. Unlike other reported color problems on VLC, colors are unevenly messed up on the screen. The attached pictures show how the lower left of ...
Pertinax's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How to change the color themes in gnome 3?

How to change the color themes in gnome 3? Anyone? (Note using 11.10)
Sam Mercier's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How to change theme colors?

I have searched the web and cannot find an easy way to change the brown/orange colors to something like greens. Are there tools/tips to change the theme colors?
user272544's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

vim & colors from ANSI Escape Sequences: how to display in vim the same colors that are displayed with the cat command

Here's what I'm doing: I'm echoing through Php colors like this: php creates output containing ANSI escape sequences that color text when it is displayed through the shell on my terminal. You can ...
Olivier Pons's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

when I select a file in dolphin the name disappears

I'm using dolphin under gnome 3 and when I select a file, the name disappears. I tried looking at my kde settings and looking under colors and nothing seems out of the ordinary, and I don't know if ...
Craig's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to make Unity Launcher backlight use one colour?

How to make Unity Launcher backlight use one colour? I want my launcher backlight all coloured with blue..
Paul McDonald's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How do I change the colors of the Ambiance & Radiance themes?

I am using Ubuntu 11.10 and i wanted to change colors in Ambiance/Radiance themes, by default it has orange and i wanted to change it to Blue, I tried using gnome-color-chooser, but it didn't work? ...
H S's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What's the RGB values for Ubuntu's default terminal (Unity)?

I'm running Windows Subsystem for Linux and the color in Windows console is bad. I like the color palette in Ubuntu 16.04 very much. I've already known how to change the colors in a Windows console, ...
iBug's user avatar
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