I'm using Starship, but don't get the proper changes, and I have to run the command bash just to see the starship terminal. I want this to happen by default.

I also have Tmux, when I load that, it gives me the starship bash, but if I try loading it on default, I get the Ubuntu bash, like.

fizcakez@IWANTHUGS:~$ instead of the starship terminal.

Also, when I change to the starship bash, it says I'm using /bin/bash, and the same happens when I'm using the Ubuntu bash.

Please help me, how do I change it to where I only get the starship terminal?

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  • Which version of Ubuntu are you using? How did you install Starship? Have you changed the file ~/.bashrc? Edit your question and add these information.
    – user68186
    Commented Jun 24 at 19:56
  • latest, brew install, yes.
    – Fizcakez
    Commented Jun 24 at 22:21
  • also, starship works, I have to manually load it for it to appear tho
    – Fizcakez
    Commented Jun 24 at 22:21
  • Are you, or the install scripts using chsh? That will only accept shells listed in /etc/shells.
    – waltinator
    Commented Jun 25 at 3:39


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