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Questions tagged [apt]

APT is short for Advanced Packaging Tool, the package manager for Debian-based distributions. It is also the most used tool for installing packages in Ubuntu. Questions about using any of the apt commands should use this tag.

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-1 votes
1 answer

Why are some `Packages` files in APT repositories 0 bytes, and how does APT then choose packages from other release versions?

EDIT - INTRO: I'm asking this question to understand the behavior of APT, which should've have changed much from back then. I'm not trying to install these old packages on my current system. I'm ...
Blacklight MG's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to open certain programs such as Pensela on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

I am having trouble opening certain applications such as pensela. They appear on my app list as well as go on my dashboard when I add to favorites but whenever I try to open them (whether by clicking ...
216ann's user avatar
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0 answers

error sudo apt update on ubuntu 24.04 noble

i installed ubuntu 24.04 but when i use sudo apt update this error come: kavus@kavus-HP:~$ sudo apt update [sudo] password for kavus: N: Missing Signed-By in the sources.list(5) entry for 'http://...
Kapus Habb's user avatar
1 vote
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Problems installing nvidia driver 390 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS [duplicate]

I can't install nvidia driver on my ubuntu workstation. I got the following results at terminal. (base) efsandino@efsandino-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-390 Reading package lists... ...
MadMad666's user avatar
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2 votes
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Unable to install any packages with apt in a brand new 24.04 installation because of libreoffice-help-zh-tw

I've never used Linux before and just installed Ubuntu 24.04. Edit: I used the ZFS file system when I installed. At the end of the installation, I got an error popup unable to securely remove '/usr/...
Corey's user avatar
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0 answers

why are upgradable packages not upgrading? [duplicate]

I've listed the upgrades by list command and tried to upgrade by using upgrade command but still all the 4 packages are not upgraded.I've attached the command lines below. please help me as I've no ...
Vivek Physics LEARNER's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I could not install php8.3 on my ubuntu 22.04, wrong ppa path

I recently tried to install the latest version of PHP which is 8.3.6 but before i purged php8.3.4 which i had before, now when I try in run sudo apt install php -y it says: Reading package lists... ...
Lotfi's user avatar
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-bash: /usr/local/bin/vnstat: No such file or directory

I installed vnstat manually and remove it and the issue is when I run vnstat I am always getting after installing it using apt-get start to show this issue > root@host:~# vnstat > -bash: /usr/...
islam's user avatar
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fix broken apt xdg-desktop-portal-kde and pipewire

my apt is completely broken because apt xdg-desktop-portal-kde is requiered by plasma and apt xdg-desktop-portal-kde requier pipewire. I tryed uninstalling pipewire by force because it was broken but ...
dfdfdffdkk's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to install strongswan in Ubuntu 22.04

I am trying to re-install strongswan in ubuntu 22. Ran the following commands $ sudo apt update Hit:1 focal InRelease Hit:2 ...
hellgod07's user avatar
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Unable to install MPI on Ubuntu WSL 2 [duplicate]

Cant download any packages on ubuntu wsl 2. Any attempt is met with error shown below. Please help we are beginner ubuntu users, dont bully us. farizz@DESKTOP-89OC6DC:~/Astro_project$ sudo apt install ...
farisnt_'s user avatar
-1 votes
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Can you install Wingware software in Ubuntu, in particular the personal version?

Can you install Wingware software in Ubuntu, in particular the personal version?
David Koster's user avatar
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Debmirror - manage packages exclusion

I'm creating a mirror server for debian and ubuntu using debmirror and I would like to exclude all unnecessary packages such as aircrack-ng, firefox ... But I don't know all packages and their utility....
totouser's user avatar
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Messed up with python symbolic link in bin folder

problem is that I am not able to open the gnome-terminal by clicking on it icon, but I am able to use "open in terminal" from any path Actually, I was trying to update the Python version and ...
vinit sharma's user avatar
1 vote
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I'm stuck on Ubuntu Installation of ROS Noetic (there is an error about Curl package having no installation candidate)

i've been following installation steps from but stucked at step 1.3 because of this error below: james@James:~$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://...
James's user avatar
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0 answers

apt-get install python3.10 doesn't?

My WSL2-based Ubuntu is running python 3.8.10. I'd like to update it to 3.10.x, so I typed: sudo apt-get install python3.10 That produced a lot of output and appeared to complete without error, but ...
fearless_fool's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to install deb packages like Zoom or Chrome in Ubuntu 24.04 using graphical method?

I am unable to install a .deb package downloaded from the internet. In previous versions of Ubuntu, the software center would act as the GUI frontend to install deb packages but the new snap store ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to setup NTP

Can someone guide me how to set up NTP . I have tried installing update and stop and restart the server but still the issue permits the same . Can someone guide me on this please . Thank you
Goutham An's user avatar
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Error on updating

When i run sudo apt upgrade, i receive this error dpkg: error processing package linux-image-6.5.0-28-generic (--configure): installed linux-image-6.5.0-28-generic package post-installation script ...
Thiago Almeida's user avatar
0 votes
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Error in installing phpmyadmin [duplicate]

I trying to install phpmyadmin in Ubuntu apt install phpmyadmin says: Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible ...
Taha Kakavand's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What happens to apt-tracked packages if I upgrade one manually?

I'm on Ubuntu server 22.04 (Jammy). I'm still a bit of an Ubuntu newbie and I wanted to apt upgrade a package that I have previously installed via apt and the relevant PPA. Turns out I can't, apt can'...
Dimitris Sfounis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

I want to upgrade Ubuntu from 22.04 to 24.04 but I am not able to [duplicate]

I have tried sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade, same things I did to upgrade Ubuntu from 20.04 to 22.04 but I am not able to upgrade to 24.04 by same methods. I have even tried sudo apt dist-...
Sharvil Palvekar's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu 24.04 getting error You must put some 'deb-src' URIs in your sources.list when issuing apt-get build-dep

On freshly installed from scratch (not an upgrade) Ubuntu 24.04 I get this error when I run $ sudo apt-get build-dep -y vlc Reading package lists... Done E: You must put some 'deb-src' URIs in your ...
Scott Stensland's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

"Apt" Upgrade behavior ubuntu 22.04 [duplicate]

Maybe a dumb question. I have two ubuntu server running the same services, the same operation system version, the same hardware, equal configuration - equal, because one as primary, the second as ...
Pythonaire's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop (RPi) - cannot add repository [duplicate]

I am trying to add the 45Drives repos to my Raspberry Pi Ubuntu install so I can use their Cockpit extensions. When I try to run the command, I get this error saying that curl can't write its ...
LittleBit's user avatar
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Failure running "sudo apt update": NO_PUBKEY C2850B265AC085BD error, where adding the key doesn't change anything [duplicate]

I have Ubuntu 18.04. I want to upgrade to a newer Ubuntu version. I get the following persistent error: ~> sudo apt update Hit:1 bionic InRelease Hit:2 https://...
Oliver Kullmann's user avatar
2 votes
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Webcam not working on Kubuntu 24.04 on a DELL 5480

this is a known issue with *ubuntu and Dell laptops, there are hundreds of hits to this question; the webcam is simply not recognized by the system and one needs to add a ppa repo (this one: ppa:oem-...
PaoloCrosetto's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Chromium does not opens and neither able to uninstall

with Ubuntu 24.04 Chromium v 124.0.6367.60 snap installed Chromium Browser from App Store and now it suddenly stopped working; now it is not getting opened nor removed tried to uninstall but it not ...
xkeshav's user avatar
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Not able to install ubuntu kernal linux-image-6.5.0-1020-oem giving error Operation not permitted

When I am updating my ubuntu I am stuck on a kernal install and due to it no software in updating and installing on my system. When, I am running sudo apt upgrade error When I am running apt --fix-...
tesbhie's user avatar
0 votes
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Error in sqllite3 when running apt update

I'm on Ubuntu 24.04. When I run sudo apt update I get the following error ouput: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/cnf-update-db", line 9, in <module> from ...
DevMan's user avatar
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Error while installing systemd on base Ubuntu 24.04 docker image

I'm currently trying to port the base Docker image for my application from Ubuntu 22.04 to Ubuntu 24.04. But I'm having issues when trying to install the software-properties-common package. I was able ...
Eric Lacasse's user avatar
0 votes
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Upgrade to 23.10 - libgd3 [duplicate]

I know I'm a bit late to the party but I'm currently on 23.04 and are wanting to upgrade to 23.10. Running apt upgrade reveals The following packages have been kept back: libgd3 and halts there. When ...
Antony's user avatar
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ProtonVPN stopped working in 24.04

I used to use ProtonVPN with the GUI from Flathub. After a recent update, it stopped working. Every time I try to connect, it just immediately defaults to Error setting up tunnel. I thought that meant ...
FelixCrd's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to install Chromium browser without snap or flatpak in Ubuntu 24.04? [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to install Chromium without snap or flatpak in Ubuntu 24.04. This answer would not work because Debian buster is too old. I thought about adding Debian bookworm, but Debian ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to upgrade ubuntu due to one security update. Please help

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Get:1 jammy InRelease [4,563 B] Hit:2 jammy InRelease Hit:3 http://...
user avatar
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apt full-upgrade gets stuck on a broken pipe

Had to fix dpkg due to an upgrade interruption, now I am just stuck with a different error every time I try to run an upgrade, "Paste process signal was killed by a broken pipe. Error came when ...
Leo Schenk's user avatar
0 votes
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Docker build fails at RUN apt update ( ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt-get update" did not complete successfully: exit code: 100)

I'm trying to build a docker image from ros:humble-ros-base, on a Raspberry Pi4 with Ubuntu 22.04 installed. The first lines of the Dockerfile are FROM ros:humble-ros-base RUN apt update I get the ...
margueww's user avatar
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Raspberry pi ubuntu apt upgrade not working and stuck at [Waiting for headers]

I am trying to update my raspberry pi (running ubuntu server 64-bit), But cant seem to run sudo apt upgrade. this is what usually happens: $ sudo apt update # it completes really fast $ sudo apt ...
Code penguin's user avatar
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apt update sqlite3.OperationalError: cannot start a transaction witin a transaction

I have a Ubuntu 20.04 VPS that started to regularly exhibit high load, is very sluggish and the SSH server not responding. The journalctl command is filled with ssh: error: select: Bad file descriptor ...
Alecz's user avatar
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How to find apt repositories

I have linux 22.04.4 and apt, for that version of ubuntu, has zsh as version 5.8. I was having a problem with zsh and wanted to upgrade to 5.9 because that's what a contributor of zsh said. So I ...
Ledrake's user avatar
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Error while applying changes ok-clieneerroequark

I got this error while trying to install nvidia drivers from update manager Error while applying changes ok-clieneerroequark: Error while installing package: installed nvidia-dkms-390 package pos,...
Mohamed Nafea's user avatar
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updates to ubuntu 24.04

When Ubuntu 24.04 comes out in about 2 days, there is probably going to be some important things that need fixing. Will the initial .iso file for the release be updated as needed to reflect such ...
quill's user avatar
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1 answer

I am trying to install freeglut3 but when I try to do so, it give an error [duplicate]

I entered sudo apt-get install freeglut3 But it gives: "Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package freeglut3 &...
Abdullah's user avatar
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Question about aptitude [duplicate]

I tried to run $sudo apt install aptitude Then it returns this Package 'aptitude' has no installation candidate Please What does this mean What can I do about it
chukwuma ogbonna's user avatar
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Failed to fetch armhf packages

I use Ubuntu 22.04. When I run sudo apt update I am getting the following error messages: Err:36 jammy-security/main armhf Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 91.212....
Og'abek Samadov's user avatar
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22.04LTS and zfs-dkms

Having run into the update problems with ZFS, I now can't stop it trying to build zfs-dkms every time I use apt. Which is deeply annoying: Setting up zfs-dkms (2.1.5-1ubuntu6~22.04.4) ... Removing old ...
user484336's user avatar
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Just got a new laptop with Ubuntu from Compudopt and it doesnt let me install anything including new software [duplicate]

So I just got a computer from a Compudopt giveaway and it runs on Ubuntu Linux but I cant do anything on it besides going on the Internet. Ive tried to do software updates but it gives me errors. Ign:...
Asah Cantu's user avatar
0 votes
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Updating from Bionic broke apt and software updater [closed]

I recently tried to update an old system of mine running 18.04 bionic to the current release. Using the software updater there were several errors that have culminated in apt and the software updater ...
user1783573's user avatar
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do-release-upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04 deleted systemd-resolved

I got a warning during the upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04 that deleting systemd-resolved would create name resolution problems (no kidding). Having completed the upgrade to 24.04, I now have no ability ...
ericx's user avatar
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How to download and place a package (and dependencies) in a local directory as it is in the repo?

I am trying to write a script that prepare an offline installable custom ISO. The customized ISO should have include some other packages which do not come with the official Ubuntu server ISO. (like ...
rido's user avatar
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