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Questions tagged [apt]

APT is short for Advanced Packaging Tool, the package manager for Debian-based distributions. It is also the most used tool for installing packages in Ubuntu. Questions about using any of the apt commands should use this tag.

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Ubuntu 23.10: Unable to install PHP 7.1 using ppa:ondrej/php and apt install php7.1 [duplicate]

I'm a Laravel dev and new to Ubuntu. I have two different apps which use two different versions of PHP. I need to have PHP 7.1.x. I tried to explore different platforms most of them are using ppa:...
Dayan Ahmed's user avatar
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Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:760:ffff:b6:4:100:0:70). - connect (101: Network is unreachable)

I'm setting up a new Ubuntu 20.4.6 LTS installation on a PowerEdge R230. All went fine, except for the fact that when i try to run a sudo apt update i get this error : Cannot initiate the connection ...
Carburio's user avatar
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I cannot install any tool

I have installed free download manager on my Ubuntu computer to try some downloading but they did not work, so I wanted to delete it. I ran the dpkg command to remove it and that's it. now whenever I ...
roteki's user avatar
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"E: malformed entry 1 in list file [...]" when running `sudo apt-get update` [duplicate]

E: malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-https_deb_opera_com_opera-stable_stable-jammy.list {component} E: The list of sources could not be read
Jairo Martinez-Nino's user avatar
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How to install libldap-2.5-0 on Ubuntu 22.04

I tried installing SQL Server on my Ubuntu 22.04 and it failed. One of the errors was: /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: ...
Sebastian Meckovski's user avatar
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E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) | How to fix [duplicate]

E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root? it show on terminal ...
Tanat Pinkeaw's user avatar
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File removed from .deb package

I created a .deb file where I originally stored an F file. Then I installed this deb file and the F file is correctly in place under a D directory. Then I rebuilt the .deb file excluding the F file ...
Ulisse Rubizzo's user avatar
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Patching of openssl for ubuntu 20.04 LTS [duplicate]

I have this testing environment using ubuntu version 20.04 LTS and I wanted to patch all my packages to the latest but found out that there is openssl 1.1.1x but I only can patch my openssl to version ...
peh yang's user avatar
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CUDA in Docker image breaks and require sudo apt upgrade

Question Why sudo apt upgrade on the host OS is required to make CUDA work in Docker container? The problem does not occur without Docker, but occurs only when a Docker image is recreated. Environment ...
mon's user avatar
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Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1). Whilst using OAI 5G

So I have cloned the OpenAirInterface repository into my system and navigated to cmake_targets and run this command, ./build_oai -I --install-optional-packages -w USRP. It seems to be trying to ...
Dudley008's user avatar
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Nvidia package dependencies often break [duplicate]

The general issue I'm regularly having issues with previously installed Nvidia package dependencies. About once every two months when I try to upgrade my system or install something new (non-nvidia ...
imdoor's user avatar
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Unable to install NVIDIA drivers with apt-get

I am trying to install the recommended NVIDIA driver by the following command: sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-550 But I keep getting the following error message: Get:1 file:/var/cuda-repo-...
Sagnik Taraphdar's user avatar
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Error Upgrade Ubuntu 22.04.04 - jammy security

Problem hei guys i have error on upgrade . on update list source is normal and not error i have try sudo apt update and sudo apt update --fix-mixing but the response is normal like Hit:2 http://...
Yosep Wahid Saepul Barkah's user avatar
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Err:5 kali-rolling Release 404 Not Found [IP: 443] [duplicate]

i typed: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio it response: Repository: 'deb kali-rolling main' Description: Latest stable ...
Lieutenant UniX's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to accept EULA unattended for SteamCMD under debian-variants?

I am trying to auto accept in an unattended manner, the STEAMCMD package EULA As per the following previous answer on this topic
Shodan's user avatar
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apt update times out [duplicate]

Quite new to Linux, I've just spin up an instance of Ubuntu 22.04 Linux Server on IBM (using $200 free credit). And I'm pretty sure it used to work when I tried that earlier on other Linux machines, ...
Sebastian Meckovski's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04: MySQL 5.7 installed but not updating

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 instance on AWS set up and running well. For various reasons it needs to be running MySQL 5.7 instead of 8. It is, and has been running MySQL 5.7 well. However I just ...
Rob Brandt's user avatar
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Stuck creating Dpkg files with Dist::Zilla

Any Perl gurus out there? I'm trying to package up my CPAN module for Ubuntu/Debian and I'm just getting started with Dist::Zilla's plugin to create a .deb package, but I get errors in the build stage....
Boyd's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to display leaf packages [duplicate]

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS or later I want to get all LEAF packages (top dependencies). Purpose: cleaning system from packages I don't need. It's hard to search through full list apt list --installed. For me ...
MrMarvel's user avatar
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How can I bypass a expired apt-key

How can I bypass a expired key to install MongoDB 4.0? I keep getting these errors saying the key is expired.
Alex Collinger's user avatar
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How do I install mysql-dev for server?

I am working on a server plugin for MySQL v8.0 (as well as a legacy plugin for v5.7) and I need to install the correct header files. I've looked around the internet and all I can find is ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
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Unmet dependencies prevent programs being installed or updated; removing the culprit package does not work

Out of curiosity (I don't remember why exactly, some program used in a guide I was reading wasn't installed, and I followed the CL instructions on what packages to download) I tried to install linux-...
Daigaku no Baku's user avatar
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Error when trying to use the `sudo apt update` command [duplicate]

I am trying to use the sudo apt update command, but I keep getting the following error: N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-...
user1777569's user avatar
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How to solve errors (E/W/N) after apt-get apdate? [duplicate]

I am now running 22.04 LTS. After sudo apt update, I got these errors: Hit:1 jammy InRelease Hit:2 jammy-updates ...
Asadullahill Galib's user avatar
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New case of kept back packages without hold in Ubuntu 22.04 [duplicate]

(NB this is not just missed dist-upgrade. So the question is not a plain duplicate.) After upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04, I've started getting a strange situation when a package is declared "kept back&...
Netch's user avatar
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Cant install kdeplasma-addons using apt [duplicate]

I use Ubuntu Mate 22.04 on my computer and I installed the KDE Plasma desktop environment, I tried adding the Menu 11 and Menu X Widgets but they popped up with an error when I tried to open them I ...
Tomato Eater's user avatar
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3 answers

how can I remove a dpkg installed repository?

This error shows up on my sudo apt update: W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://packages....
RogerParkinson's user avatar
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How to completely remove the AtomEditor package from the apt-repository? [duplicate]

$ sudo apt update ... Ign:6 any InRelease Err:8 any Release 404 Not Found [IP: 52.8....
Sun Bear's user avatar
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libc6 dependency mismatch

I've created a Frankenstein's monster by adding Kali stuff to my source list like mentioned in this guide:
Radeh's user avatar
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apt-get upgrade with broken libgl1:i386 libgl1 libglvnd0 ibglx0:i386 libglx0

SO: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Everything was working! This week it broke some packages when running sudo apt-get upgrade. libgl1 : Depende: libglx0 (= 1.7.0-2101~22.04) mas 1.4.0-1 está instalado ...
Gustavo Kennedy Renkel's user avatar
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sudo apt --fix-broken install does not work, and I get an error about apport MaxReports

I've tried to install some drivers for my machine as there was an error in Minecraft I'm having that could be related to drivers. I have tried to install a few things, however, I get the same error ...
xendyex's user avatar
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apt list --upgradable and USN

Below command gives the list of security patches which are available to apply. apt list --upgradable | grep security | awk '{print $1}' My expectation is that this list should be a subset of USN ...
SHW's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 boots into console instead of GUI

I have a Ubuntu 22.04.04 when booting he loads the console instead of the GUI I tried to run sudo apt update sudo apt --fix-broken install and sudo systemctl set-default i didnt get ...
Aran_S's user avatar
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How does the Ubuntu package manager determine which repository to search for when a user requests to install a package? [duplicate]

How does a package manager, such as APT on Ubuntu, determine the specific repository from which it should retrieve a package when a user requests to install it?
Umar Nazir's user avatar
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Installed nvidia through file runner, nvcc is on my system but not properly configured

I installed version 11.8 of CUDA on my system through the runfile:
Makogan's user avatar
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Ubuntu/Debian Repository Architecture [duplicate]

I'm deploying a local repository and I would like to know more about the architecture of Ubuntu and Debian package repositories. I know that packages are stored in
totouser's user avatar
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packages reinstall after xz-utils restore [closed]

how to fix my ubuntu from broken dependences issues everywhere after choas caused by xz-utils backdoor found few days ago. i am using noble development branch. After few updates days ago and lots of ...
Qi Cui's user avatar
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Error: Conflicting values set for option Trusted regarding source [duplicate]

I have to install dbeaver in Ubuntu, so I'm trying to run this command: sudo apt update && sudo apt install dbeaver-ce but I am getting this error: E: Conflicting values set for option ...
information's user avatar
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upgrade kernel and NVidia Tesla V100 driver on azure vm

I have an Azure VM with NVidia Tesla V100 and I need upgrade the kernel from 6.2.0-1011-azure to the newest version. VM based on NVidia image and this is some details: Operating system Linux Image ...
Trav Erse's user avatar
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I am not able to uninstall emacs from ubuntu using the terminal?

I am trying to uninstall emacs from my ubuntu system but I am not able to do so. I have run the command sudo apt-get remove --purge emacs. But still, I see emacs present in my system. I also tried to ...
masrur's user avatar
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Can’t update system with “sudo apt update” on Ubuntu 22.04 [duplicate]

root@jizpi:/home/jizpi# sudo apt update Ign:1 https://https// stable InRelease Hit:2 jammy InRelease Get:3 http://repo.mysql....
Shoxrux Maxkamov's user avatar
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apt command not installing latest version of apts [duplicate]

So i've been using ubuntu as my main os and I'm still trying to learn my way through it - and linux in general. But I've noticed that (sudo) apt install is not installing the latest versions of apts ...
Aroeira's user avatar
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Can't find a way to remove nrf-udev package [duplicate]

Edit: second answer fixed my problem The suggested duplicate doesn't fix my problem, as shown below I tried to do that exact same thing without success (output shown below) I have installed "nrf-...
Ernest Dujo's user avatar
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why doesnt the debian goodies command function despite it being reccommended [duplicate]

Despite debian-goodies being recommended by my console and even being brought up by the console, the error I keep receiving is as follows: E: Unable to locate package debian-goodies The command I am ...
siriusg's user avatar
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Why apt can't upgrade some packages? [duplicate]

I have many Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 instances installed through either direct installation or VirtualBox. All of them installed in the same way. Sometimes and for few of them happens the following: #1 ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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gcc, g++, gfortran disappeared from system after Ubuntu upgrade [duplicate]

I have upgraded Ubuntu from 20.04lts to 22.04lts. However it seems that gcc, g++ and gfortran have disappeared from the system. I have tried: sudo apt install gcc but got the error: Reading package ...
mattiav27's user avatar
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Conflict between broken ubuntu-advantage-tools and ubuntu-pro-client breaks update, ubuntu-advantage-tools cannot be removed

I have a failed Ubuntu-pro installation on a 20.04 LTS (accidentally pressed the marketing button on the software updater), and now efforts to rectify this issue lead to dependency conflicts between ...
Toby B's user avatar
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2 answers

apt commands won't upgrade my packages kept back [duplicate]

There's a decade old answered question "The following packages have been kept back:" Why and how do I solve it?. The answers are variations on these three themes: sudo apt-get --with-new-...
jophuh's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 - Package upgrade dpkg was interrupted & snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined & firefox launch issue

During my last apt upgrade the system crashed. When I then rebooted and tried to upgrade again it said: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. I ...
Philipp M's user avatar
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Conflict between broken ubuntu-advantage-tools and ubuntu-pro-client breaks update [duplicate]

I have a failed Ubuntu-pro installation on a 20.04 LTS (accidentally pressed the marketing button on the software updater), and now efforts to rectify this issue lead to dependency conflicts between ...
Toby B's user avatar
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