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Questions tagged [apt]

APT is short for Advanced Packaging Tool, the package manager for Debian-based distributions. It is also the most used tool for installing packages in Ubuntu. Questions about using any of the apt commands should use this tag.

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2 votes
2 answers

Why are apt-get updates in development releases slower?

When i update apt-get the universe repo takes ages to download, I usually max out at around 130kbps which can easily download ~4mb in under a minute yet it skips between going an bytes per second and ...
Will's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to recover dpkg from corrupted downloads?

I just upgraded to the 10.10 RC earlier and had a few problems with graphic drivers (x didnt start) But i have remedied that now. When i run 'sudo apt-get install -f' i get this: will@UbuntuBox:/mnt/...
Will's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to create a Remote Aptitude/APT Repository?

I've recently started administrating more Ubuntu machines - as such I've had to recompile/create packages for our configuration. On my Redhat machines I was able to create a server that served as a ...
Marco Ceppi's user avatar
  • 48.3k
2 votes
1 answer

What are benefits of aptitude compared to apt-get? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is aptitude really better than apt-get? To install a package I can "apt-get install" or "aptitude install", to search - "apt-cache search" or "aptitude search". I find these ...
Ivan's user avatar
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53 votes
11 answers

How to use a .iso image as a CD-ROM Repository?

I have all images of Debian, Ubuntu and Ubuntustudio as .iso. How can I use them as repository to install my desired packages with sudo apt-get install package-name? I easily mount the .iso file with ...
Alexar's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Unauthenticated software sources

My Lucid (10.04) installation recently started warning me that the updated packages were unauthenticated. For instance, if I open Update Manager and click the "Install Updates" button, it warns me ...
dkagedal's user avatar
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95 votes
9 answers

How do I find packages to install via apt-get

After doing a man apt-get and cursory Google search it's not clear how I find new programs to install (from the internet) using apt-get (which is amazingly powerful and simple coming from another ...
r00fus's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Partition advice, how can I stop running out of space on "/" partition?

I run Ubuntu 10.04 on an EEEPC with a 4GB fast SSD set as the / partition, and a 16GB slower SSD set as the /home partition. I keep running out of space on "/", and can no longer install the latest ...
zefer's user avatar
  • 191
4 votes
1 answer

How can I make sure that pinning with apt-get is compatible with virtual packages?

In order to allow php5.2 being used on lucid, I created a ppa (ppa:txwikinger/php5.2) and build several php5.2 packages there. In order to prefer those packages I have given instructions to pin them. ...
txwikinger's user avatar
  • 28.7k
28 votes
6 answers

How to make USB drive as local repository

I copied "archives" folder (/var/cache/apt/archives) from another computer which was fully updated and had some packages that i want. Can someone guide me how to add my USB drive in repository list so ...
Rojan's user avatar
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225 votes
2 answers

What is difference between the options "autoclean", "autoremove" and "clean"?

apt-get has a few options which looks the same to me: autoclean, autoremove and clean. What do each of them do?
Antony's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

What's apt-get's equivalent option of this dpkg command?

dpkg -L <package> This command gives me a list of all the installed files, what's apt-get's equivalent option for it? I read the man page but couldn't figure out.
grokus's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Why `sudo apt-get install XXXX` sometimes request confirmation, others not?

Just for curiosity, sometimes while installing software throught apt-get install software_name the terminal prompt me for a confirmation "type Yes or No", but not allways. I dont mean the sudo ...
Strae's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What does "hardy" mean in /etc/apt/sources.list?

I see entries in /etc/apt/sources.list that say: deb hardy universe I am using Ubuntu 8.04, and I don't know what "hardy" means, though I suspect it has ...
bobobobo's user avatar
  • 171
5 votes
1 answer

Locking updates to a specific mirror

My ISP offers a freezone Ubuntu mirror ( however Ubuntu is constantly pulling updates from a US server that is slower not inside my freezone How can I force ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
47 votes
4 answers

apt-get or aptitude equivalent to yum whatprovides [duplicate]

Is there an equivalent to the yum "whatprovides" option in apt-get? For example on CentOS yum whatprovides /usr/share/gdm/themes/TreeFlower/background.png Tells me redhat-logos-4.9.99-11.el5....
Richard Holloway's user avatar
334 votes
20 answers

How to list manually installed packages?

I'd like to get a list of packages installed manually by apt or aptitude and be able to find out whether a foobar package was installed manually or automatically. How can we do that from the command ...
Umang's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Customize software sources for Ubuntu Desktop updater to manage?

I love the software updater in Ubuntu Desktop and want to configure underlying package managers with other sources of software. Sometimes I run into a new software project that isn't delivered ...
John K's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Installation:Troubleshooting webmin dependencies

I am having a dependency problem dpkg installing webmin 1.510 (deb) package on Ubuntu 10.04. I do not know where to look to find info about what dependencies are needed.
John K's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Backup Software Sources

In Ubuntu 10.04, when I goto System > Administration > Software Sources and goto the Authentication tab, I can view all of my keys allowing me to download from third party sources. How would I back ...
RyanScottLewis's user avatar
132 votes
6 answers

What is the easiest way to resolve apt-get BADSIG GPG errors?

I frequently cross this issue, and always have to google for an answer. Does anyone have a permanent fix for BADSIG errors from apt-get? W: GPG error: lucid ...
cmcginty's user avatar
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198 votes
6 answers

Is aptitude still considered superior to apt-get?

When I first started with Ubuntu using aptitude was the 'in-thing', with some stated improvements over apt-get. Am I correct in saying that apt-get has now 'caught up' with aptitude, and it makes ...
2 votes
3 answers

Why would the aptitude binary be missing if its package is installed?

Yesterday I upgraded a laptop from Kubuntu 9.04 (Lucid) to 9.10 (Karmic). Then afterwards I tried to install some software $ sudo aptitude install dont-remember-what-it-was and I get sudo: aptitude:...
David Z's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

What is the converse of add-apt-repository? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can PPAs be removed after they have been added with the add-apt-repository command? You can a new PPA repository with add-apt-repository. How do you remove an added ...
ssanj's user avatar
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143 votes
3 answers

What does it mean that a package is "set to manually installed?"

When packages are already installed and I run an apt-get install <package-name>, sometimes it will print a line <package-name> is set to manually installed. What does that mean?
codegoalie's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Authentication problem with my PPA

I created a package and uploaded it to my PPA. After it got built, I went to install it, but was faced with this message: $ sudo apt-get install stackapplet Reading package lists... Done Building ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 32.3k
1723 votes
29 answers

"The following packages have been kept back:" Why and how do I solve it?

I just added a PPA repository for the development version of the GIMP, but I get this error: $ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ... The following packages have been kept back: gimp gimp-...
jfoucher's user avatar
  • 23.9k
56 votes
5 answers

How to set up an APT repository?

I would like to set up an APT repository on a server that will provide a couple of packages. Is there a way to set one up without installing any software on the server? How do the files have to be ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 32.3k
58 votes
5 answers

How do I write a shell script to install a list of applications?

Does anyone know how to write a shell script to install a list of applications? It's a pain to have to install each application by hand every time I set up a new system. Edit: It still asks me Do ...
jumpnett's user avatar
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441 votes
5 answers

How can I see all versions of a package that are available in the archive?

Is there a way I can see all the versions that are in the archives that I have configured in sources.list. I can see the last version of each archive withapt-get policy, but how can I see them all? ...
txwikinger's user avatar
  • 28.7k
25 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to tell what packages I've installed that aren't in the vanilla install?

I've upgraded Ubuntu on my laptop all the way from 7.04 to 10.04 without ever wiping the disk. I have a sneaking suspicion that means I have a bunch of crufty packages that I don't use and that are ...
Benjamin Pollack's user avatar
1639 votes
27 answers

How can PPAs be removed?

I've added many PPAs using the add-apt-repository command. Is there a simple way to remove these PPAs? I've checked in /etc/apt/sources.list for the appropriate deb lines but they aren't there. This ...
David Ashford's user avatar
39 votes
3 answers

How to force installation of kernel updates when using apt-get upgrade?

To update my server I use apt-get upgrade. But when there are kernel updates I always need to do apt-get install linux-.... because apt-get update does not install them. Is there a way I can tell it ...
Weboide's user avatar
  • 10.6k
56 votes
8 answers

How to see packages installed on a given date using 'aptitude'?

Does anyone know if there's an easy way to find a list of packages installed, sorted by date, when using aptitude (or apt-get)? I installed a bunch of packages to try something new, but it didn't ...
Mikeage's user avatar
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