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Questions tagged [application-switcher]

Questions about Alt-Tab and similar keyboard shortcuts that allow desktop user to switch between multiple running programs, and sometimes to switch between a running program and the desktop.

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Main window being obscured by other windows

When I click on certain areas of the current window, the window that was opened earlier and is located beneath opens up above the current one. How can this be fixed? Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
nzhxdan's user avatar
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Super + key above tab to switch between different instances of same app doesn't work

I only recently stumbled upon this problem in Ubuntu 23.10. I use Super + the key above tab (tilde on Qwerty keyboards) to switch between different instances of the same app (Chrome, for instance). In ...
Antoon Stessels's user avatar
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How can I regain control of Ubuntu desktop gui?

I have managed to find a bug of some sort which I believe is related to Wine, but the manifestation of this bug is that while alt-tabbing, if you hold alt-tab and click on a different app in the ...
Charles Randall's user avatar
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Reduce application switcher clutter?

How do you make Gnome's application switcher only show the applications for the current workspace? That's how it used to work in 20.04. I upgraded to 22.04 and now the switcher shows all applications ...
Cerin's user avatar
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Need better switching between windows of application

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 (with Gnome and X11 if that matters). My usual workload is to have a few Firefox windows, about 5 Sublime Text windows, and 4-8 terminal windows open. I use Alt-Tab and Alt-...
andrewtinka's user avatar
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How can I make LAlt+Tab switch windows in Lubuntu 22.04 (LXQt)?

I've recently upgrade my distribution from Lubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 (not reinstalled, upgraded). After my upgrade, the LAlt+Tab key combination no longer switches to the next window; though RAlt + Tab - ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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All icons disappear after wake-up

Ubuntu 22.04.01 LTS on ThinkPad X270. After putting the machine to sleep mode, when the laptop is woken up, all icons in the menu sidebar and in the Show Applications panel disappear. The only thing ...
enravota's user avatar
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How to isolate open applications, and ideally processes, in Ubuntu workspace?

I combine work and study, so I need a separate set of tabs for each task. For example: for work it is chrome with work-related tabs, vscode, and others, and for study - chrome, but with ...
essacult's user avatar
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2 answers

Add "task switcher" to desktop panel

I upgraded from Ubuntu 18.04 to 22.04. I used to have an icon on the bottom-panel that showed a list of all the application windows that were active on the desktop. That was particularly useful for ...
Carl Ponder's user avatar
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(22.10) "include applications from each monitor only" setting in "settings" -> "multitasking" does not work

Under settings -> multitasking there is an option all the way at the end under application switching titled Include applications from each monitor only. Expected behavior, from what it sounds like, ...
jfaz1's user avatar
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When a press alt+tab or super+tab, can it juste show some applications?

When I press alt+tab or super+tab to switch application, I find it annoying that there are too many applications(like spotify, signal, discord, ...) running on my computer but I check them roughly ...
pikachwu's user avatar
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How can I configure my side mouse button to show all open applications like it does on Windows?

If you use Windows 10 and have a mouse button where your right thumb grips the mouse you know there is a button right there that brings up all open applications so you don't have to search for the ...
Ant's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 Wrong Application Switching (Alt + Tab) Behavior

since I switched to Ubuntu 22.04 I noticed some wrong behavior when switching between certain applications. When I have Firefox opened and press Alt+Tab it opens PyCharm as usual. Now when I press Alt+...
Philip Z.'s user avatar
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Alt + Tab - selected application hard to see 20.04.4 LTS

When using alt+tab or system+tab, I see icons of active applications. (Nearly, image with gimp, key printscreen don't work during alt+tab.) icons, selected icon with dark grey background Selected icon ...
Rolf's user avatar
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1 answer

How to set Application Switcher (Alt+Tab) to show apps from current monitor only on Ubuntu 22.04?

Is there a way to only show apps on my current monitor when I hit Alt+Tab on a dual monitor setup?
Trees4theForest's user avatar
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How to switch to the previously opened window after being brought to desktop

Preface After switching to Desktop screen via Super + D (or Ctrl + Alt + D), I want to switch to the previously opened window via Alt + Tab, however the Desktop is not counted as window, hence ...
bodema's user avatar
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sometimes Thunderbird doesn't quit properly and switching windows with ALT+TAB doesn't work: how to solve?

Sometimes Thunderbird freezes on the Panel after quiting the program and simultaniously switching windows with ALT+TAB doesn't work anymore. On my computer I can reproduce it this way: Ubuntu 21.10 ...
terano's user avatar
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how to set a hotkey to switch to open window of a specific application if no window is present launch the application

I want to have specific hotkey for launching applications, but if already launched, it should pop up the window of the application. so for example I press super + f then it should show me the open ...
OuttaSpaceTime's user avatar
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Alt-Tab and Workspace Switcher shortcuts aren't working on Xubuntu 21.10

I have switched from Ubuntu Desktop to Xubuntu desktop because Ubuntu no longer supports desktop icons. Unfortunately, in the move I seem to have lost the ability to cycle windows with Alt+Tab and the ...
scruss's user avatar
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What's an alternate to Compiz's window manager for Ubuntu 21.10 for window management shortcuts?

I'm planning on reducing my mouse usage over time. As such i came to know about Compiz window manager on this amazing site. But the official page for Compiz's compositing window manager says it was ...
skekmal's user avatar
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How to show title of gitk instance in application switcher?

I usually have multiple instances of Gitk open while working on projects. When I switch between Gitk windows I cannot see which Gitk instance belongs to which project, though. The project title is ...
JJD's user avatar
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Make KDE task switcher select a window on release of Alt+Tab

I've been using KDE for a long time. Always when switching between windows with Alt+Tab it would select the window where I release both buttons. The current behavior I have with KUbuntu 20.04 and ...
Artyom Kovalyov's user avatar
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How to remove the delay in the switch windows function in Ubuntu

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS and notice a horrible delay (about half a second or more) in the switch windows function (I've replaced the default alt+tab for switching windows / the ungrouped function)....
user1532587's user avatar
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Desktop stuck in alt-tab mode

I don't know how I managed to do this but my desktop is stuck in the alt-tab application selector mode. Clicking on an application does nothing, it stays on the zoomed out view. Any tips on how I can ...
P_J's user avatar
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Make alt-tab sequential, not 'sticky'

I am running 20.10 with ubuntu-desktop. Default alt-tab behaviour is "go back to the last program." For a thought experiment let's say there are four programs open on my desktop. Like ...
Chaim Eliyah's user avatar
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CopyQ Window visible on ALT+TAB

Since some days CopyQ is visible if I use ALT+TAB: This was different in the past. I think it does not make sense to show this window. You usually use a shortcut to open the clipboard manager. How to ...
guettli's user avatar
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Can't switch windows nor applications with Alt-Tab after 20.04 Update

After the upgrade, my Alt+Tab / Alt+` functionality has disappeared. I tried setting it up following this or this, but I don't have a "Switch Window" option in my Keyboard Shortcuts. I tried ...
Oriol Nieto's user avatar
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Diodon visible on "ALT+TAB"?

Since some days the handy clipboard manager Diodon is always visible if I use Alt+TAB. This was not the case in the past. I would like to not see the preview, when I switch between windows. How to ...
guettli's user avatar
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Switch between windows of unique applications (not Alt+Tab or Alt+`)

I'm aware that Alt+Tab lets you switch between all windows and Alt+` lets you switch between windows of the same application. Is there any shortcut to switch between windows of unique applications? ...
Moltres's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I resize the application launcher / start menu in Kubuntu 20.10?

I have a fresh install of Kubuntu 20.10. How can I resize the start menu? Because it is gigantic!
Stockfish's user avatar
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How to change shortcut to switch windows in Kubuntu?

Most of the shortcuts for switching windows are misconfigured here. I am using Kubuntu 20.04 with KDE Desktop. I want to reconfigure the shortcuts for changing windows. I searched possibilities for ...
SL5net's user avatar
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Dragging and dropping across full screen applications in Gnome in 20.04

I remember that before upgrading from 16.04 to 20.04 I used to be able to drag and drop across applications that are each in full screen, by using the application switching mechanism (Alt-tabbing), or ...
A. Gh.'s user avatar
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E-Sword and PlayonLinux

I have a weird question. I do have E-Sword bible app on PlayonLinux. It works great. The thing is, E-Sword will only open when I open PlayonLinux first. I will have to use PlayonLinux and then open E-...
Christian Bearsly Clark's user avatar
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Alt-tab brings app switcher instead of switching

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 with Gnome 3. Something that really bothers me with the app switcher is that when I press Alt-Tab the app switcher is brought to the front but the currently active window is ...
Tohiko's user avatar
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how to change current application with workspace?

I am using 2 workspaces 1 for chrome and another for vscode. whenever I switch between workspace for vscode to the chrome it switches the application but when I come back to vscode I need to click ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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Broken and Ugly App Switcher Ubuntu Budgie 20.04

I was quite happy with using my installation of Ubuntu Budgie but recently something broke and now my app switcher looks very ugly. It's working but I liked how it used to look. I guess re-installing ...
Ankit Singhaniya's user avatar
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Kubuntu 19.10 application-switcher application order always wrong

There are multiple things wrong in my application-switcher. (problem A): When i use Alt-tab i see the application-switcher but the order is reversed. So the appication that had focus before i pressed ...
Barry's user avatar
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Keyboard Shortcut: How to switch to previously active windows in another workspace

I have google-chrome (and other software) in Workspace 2 and thunderbird (and other software) in Workspace 3. How can I switch to previously active windows in another workspace, using keybpard ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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How to make desktops independent on Ubuntu 18.04 [duplicate]

I have Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS 64-bit. I want to have independent desktops, so if I have app #1 on the first desktop and app #2 on the second desktop, I can't switch from app #1 to app #2 (by the word "...
Michail Kon's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make alt+backtick switch only windows on the current workspace?

There are multiple questions and answers about how to make Alt+Tab switch only applications of current workspace, most notably this one. However, is there any way to enforce the same behavior to Alt+`...
M. Volf's user avatar
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Windows are incorrectly grouped under applications

Sometimes my Windows are incorrectly associated to an application group. For example when I use the application switcher (Alt-Tab) I end up wondering where my chrome browser windows are, only to end ...
d_inevitable's user avatar
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KWin - Modifying the Task Switcher to raise all windows

(Apologies in advance if this question is too vague) I'm attempting to modify the behavior of KWin's Alt+Tab task switcher. A common situation: I'm working with an application that has several windows ...
rent-yr-chemicals's user avatar
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How to Disable Alt-Q Closing Application Within Switcher?

Too often, my left pinky finger slides off the Tab key and onto the Q key while I'm Alt-Tab'ing through my open windows, resulting in accidentally closing applications. How can I disable this (or ...
James Craig Burley's user avatar
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Task switch (alt-tab) not working properly when in full screen

I am currently using Ubuntu 18.04 with the classic environment. Whenever I am in the full-screen mode (evince, chrome, firefox, vlc etc.) and trying switch the task to some other running process, it ...
Doi's user avatar
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How do I switch windows using ALT+ TAB in Ubuntu 18.04? [duplicate]

I have opened 2 new windows of Chrome in Ubuntu. How do I select them using ALT+TAB? Every time I need to use mouse for this. Is there any way to do like in Windows?
cdac's user avatar
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GNOME: How to get the grouped ALT+Tab behavior back

I use Ubuntu 19.10. I just noticed that Alt + Tab does not group windows anymore. I'm not sure if I did something or if it's the default behavior now. How do I get it back?
rgin's user avatar
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Stop rearrangement of windows on Alt+Tab

I expect Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab to cycle through all open applications in a workplace in order or in reverse order, even after I switch applications (like in Windows), but that's not the default ...
davidchuyaya's user avatar
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how to place application switcher only on secondary monitor?

I have two monitors on Xubuntu 19.10 with Xfce 4.14. When I use Alt + Tab to switch from one app to another the switcher window appears on the both monitors. As workaround I installed compiz and the ...
almaceleste's user avatar
7 votes
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Disable screenshots and leave only the icons while Alt-TAB on Ubuntu 19.04

I just upgraded from 18.04 to 19.04 and noticed that when alt tabbing, a preview of the app is shown instead of the icon. Can I set the Alt-TAB switcher to display only icons instead?
nikksan's user avatar
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How to switch windows of the application in Ubuntu 18.04 [duplicate]

How do I switch between windows of the same application in GNOME in Ubuntu 18.04? For example, if you have two Nautilus windows open, Alt+Tab will go to the next application (say, browser), but not to ...
Gautam Sreekumar's user avatar

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