I've added fm6000 file to the ~/.local/bin folder assuming it'll be the same as adding it to /usr/bin folder. Though that's not the case. There are many files in ~/.local/bin folder that don't work. I've checked the perms and it is executable.

Ubuntu: 22.04 (LTS)

  • 1
    ~/.local/bin is not added to the PATH by default AFAIK (~/bin is, by the default ~/.profile).
    – muru
    Commented Oct 1, 2022 at 4:02
  • You can append it to your $PATH in ~/.bashrc: export PATH="$PATH:/home/user/.local/bin" putting your own username in where I have 'user'. And / or put the same in ~/.profile.
    – andrew.46
    Commented Oct 1, 2022 at 4:58

1 Answer 1


Some things to check

  • If the directory was not there, you can create it. It will only be added to the path once you log out then back in, so .profile is read. So make sure you have logged out then back in.

  • Ubuntu automatically adds a directory ~/.local/bin to the path if it exists. This is set up in your default ~/.profile configuration file.

    • If you changed your ~./profile configuration file, then check and repair it. An easy way to revert to a default file is to copy it back from /etc/skel/.

    • If not, then check what else may be changing the PATH, e.g. statements in your ~/.bashrc configuration file.

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