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Questions tagged [active-directory]

Questions that relate to Ubuntu using this directory service created by Microsoft. Compatibility questions include LDAP, Kerberos and DNS-based naming and other network information.

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25 votes
10 answers

Connecting to Windows shares using Active Directory?

After upgrading my host to 12.04 I can no longer connect to Windows Shares in my AD (Active Directory) based network. I was able to do it previously using 11.10. I thought it might be an issue with ...
dotdawtdaught's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

How can I add Ubuntu to a windows domain?

I have installed likewise-open, but when I add an Ubuntu machine (10.10) to a domain, I am getting the following error: Leaving AD Domain: XXX.XX.XXX` Error: Lsass ...
karthick87's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How do I enable the "Other" user for login with Active Directory?

So I work at a university using active directory, and in my office there are a few computers that I've set up, in Ubuntu 11.10, to log as an AD user. In order to log in a person just needs to use ...
pjtatlow's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

likewise-open | 14.04 | other easy way to connect AD?

we use a lot of Linux-Servers with active-directory membership for user-authentication. This are made with the likewise-open packet. We tested the beta-Version of ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS. Everything ...
user272446's user avatar
14 votes
9 answers

Add AD Domain user to sudoers from the command line

I'm setting up an Ubuntu 11.04 server VM for use as a database server. It would make everyone's lives easier if we could have folks login using windows credentials and perhaps even make the machine ...
Wyatt Barnett's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What are the limitations of the Windows Subsystem for Linux? [duplicate]

I played around with the WSL last year, but at the time it was not capable of running the neural network project that I wanted to try on it. Apparently had something to do with it having an outdated ...
Aslan French's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How do I join a Windows Active Directory?

We have a "mix-mode" Lab. and we want to migrate to Ubuntu, from Windows. In this process, how do we add Ubuntu workstations to a Windows Domain / Active Directory ('AD') setup?
Fosscommunity's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Trouble Joining an Active Directory Domain

I'm trying to join an Ubuntu 16.04 server to a Windows 2003 R2 domain by following the Ubuntu SSSD and Active Directory Guide. My admin says that from the controller side, it is part of the domain. ...
embedded.kyle's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Edit Sudoers file to allow sudo rights to a AD domain group

I recently managed to get my Ubuntu Server 18.04 machine connected to my companies Windows AD. I am able to login with my AD credentials however I want to take it a step further... This is the ...
Hunter Lowe's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Authenticating samba shares with active directory users and groups

I am looking for instruction on how to configure my Ubuntu 10.04 box to allow samba shares access through Active Directory users and groups. I have joined the Ubuntu machine to my AD domain using ...
Stephen Dane Scott Gosse's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to get netplan on 17.10 server to work with a Windows Server DHCP server using MAC address reservations?

To do this on recent Fedora and Arch, it is necessary to set dhcp-client-identifier = hardware to get DHCP to work. I suspect the same is true on 17.10. However, Artful uses netplan and systemd-...
Russell Jones's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Ubuntu 15.04 join domain problem (pbis)

I just installed a clean Ubuntu 15.04, and I want to join to a domain for active directory. Downloaded and installed PBIS Open 8.2.2 - Stable Release but when i run it: Error: /usr/sbin/service ...
matubat91's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Problem with PBISOpen and Ubuntu 14.04LTS

I'm testing openpbis 8.3 version and I have authentication problem when I'm trying to open new session on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, not in local network but only in distant network. Adding the computer on ...
Minus63's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

File corruption issues from a Samba server to Windows and Mac clients [closed]

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Server as a file server. It is on the Windows Active Directory Domain (2008 SBS) and has been working well for several years (migrated to new hardware and upgraded from 8.04 a ...
hood's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes
2 answers

How to join a Windows Domain and Map Network Drives?

I just installed the current build for Ubuntu on a partition for my work computer. I am a novice when it comes to Linux/Ubuntu, which is why I installed it along side windows. I want to learn how to ...
AgainstClint's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Samba 3.6 and Samba4

I have installed Ubuntu 12.10 and samba 3.6 (the version of samba that is installed for Ubuntu 12.10, by default). Everything works fine. I can access shared folders and shared printers of Windows PCs....
Alejandro Bernardico's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How do I remove a user completely from Ubuntu 16.04?

I have set up Ubuntu 16.04 with PowerBroker Identity Services to login with users from an Active Directory database. Whenever I login with a new account, the user is added to the list of users that ...
Tobias's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Changing LDAP password expiry time?

I am running LDAP Samba PDC on Ubuntu 10.04 server. By default the LDAP account pasword expires in 45 days. I want to change it. I've tried hard to find this setting in the LDAP conf files but I ...
nixnotwin's user avatar
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3 answers

Edubuntu Deployment and Active Directory Authentication

How I can deploy Edubuntu from one machine to many machines in the same domain and authenticate to Windows Active Directory?
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu joining a active directory domain

during the command sudo domainjoin-cli join *domain* *user* I get the error removing the .local and just using the domainame I get this error Pretty new with Ubuntu and don't know what to do. ...
user158929's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Samba/Winbind Active Directory authentication broken after upgrade to 14.04

I was on Ubuntu desktop 12.04 and had it joined to the domain using samba/winbind/krb5 - worked great without any issues, I could log onto my comptuer using my active directory account. I upgraded to ...
vocoder's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I display login message such as password expiry warning?

I'm using sssd to authenticate against an active directory. The passwords for the user may expire after a given time. In sssd.conf you can set [pam] pam_pwd_expiration_warning = X to change the days ...
Bertram Nudelbach's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to create a Desktop Shortcut for all users in Ubuntu 14.04 for AD joined machine

I'm looking to create a simple shortcut to a folder that will appear on all users desktops when they login into an Ubuntu 14.04 machine. The machine has been joined to a Microsoft AD. Help ...
Swinster's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Enable domain login on login screen

I installed likewise-open including the likewise-open-gui to join my company's domain. I entered my computername and domain in the gui, provided an administrator account to join, and it did say it was ...
Ahatius's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Installation candidate for AD join not found

I'm trying to rebuilt a server wich is part in the Active Directory. I'm using Bionic Beaver: administrator@vmssnt1:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: ...
Jonas Hüsser's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What's the Ubuntu equivalent of Active Directory?

I have around a 40+ user network running Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop and Ubuntu Server. What is the best tool to use to run authentication on users? Webmin? Similar to what AD does for Windows.
Tommy45's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to automount user homes from MS Server via sss

I'd like to make an Ubuntu box member of an AD and automount home directories during login from a Samba server. I managed to join the AD the realmd way. So I can look-up users and their passwd lines. ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
1 answer

How to add Active Directory users as sudoers

I'm following this article. What I've done: I can connect to Active Directory I can login to the Active Directory Now what I'm looking for is a way to make any active directory user a sudoer. I'm ...
pedrommuller's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Mounting Shared Folders in domain using Active Directory Authentication at login [closed]

I have Windows Server 2008 set up with AD. Have set up the group policies to map two communal folders and a user folder (the user folder using a logon script). I've joined the Ubuntu machine to the ...
warwickp's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Mount.cifs with krb5 fails on 20.04 LTS

I have a Synology NAS and multiple Ubuntu Clients in my network. I setup Active Directory integration on the clients following the instructions here ...
Cliffi30's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

git authentication with Active Directory user

I use likewise-open to connect to a Windows AD, and I am able to see AD users. What should I do to authenticate a user for git when I push to and pull from a git repository? Where is this configured?...
netmajor's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes
1 answer

Working around Active Directory Users

In my office system, Ubuntu is configured for Active Directory authentication with Windows using likewise open. I have three issues. Each time when I switch on my system and some times when I restart,...
Shoaib Nawaz's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Samba Winbindd Failing Everyday

Everyday morning on my domain controller running samba 4.7.6-ubuntu winbind fails, If I try to run the command wbinfo -u (to list all users) I get the error could not obtain winbind interface ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 471
3 votes
0 answers

Can't login with domain members on ubuntu 14.04 client joined to (samba4 -ubuntu 14.04) active directory domain

I have a samba4 server: [global] workgroup = MYWG realm = MYWG.ORG netbios name = MYWGADM server role = active directory domain controller dns forwarder = idmap_ldb:...
user3215433's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to edit lightdm to show "other user"?

I am an IT student aide at a college and we have a very small test computer that we started messing around on with 12.04 and used likewise to join it into the Windows network that we have. However, ...
Gabriel Cirtwell's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I mount an Active Directory Windows share?

How can i mount Active Directory Windows share in Ubuntu 12.04? In 10.04 it was easy mounting a Windows server share i nautilus, but it keeps telling me that my credentials is wrong. And they are not!
Bjørn Ryborg's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to make full domain controller with active directory?

How to make full domain controller with active directory that can accept windows client pc's using ubuntu LTS 12.04 desktop edition. I need a full tutorial that show me step by step how could it be ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

21.04: Use Active Directory option grayed out

I am trying to set up Ubuntu 21.04 to use Active Directory. I have the VM installed on a ESXi host connected to AD. AD is 2016 schema, on-site, not Azure. The VM does get a correct IP address (I ...
Taco's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

PowerBroker (Likewise-Open) + Ubuntu 13.04 -> 13.10 Upgrade

I just upgraded Ubuntu from 13.04 to 13.10, and now I can't log into Active Directory; my system is integrated using PowerBroker Identity Services (PBIS), which used to be called Likewise-Open. So ...
JoBu1324's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Active Directory users unable to change passwords [SSSD]

I've set up an Ubuntu 16.04 system to join a AD domain following the instruction set here. I can login with AD users and everything is working correctly there, however AD users are unable to change ...
cypher's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu Likewise-Open won't stay connected to domain

I am at a loss... Any help would be appreciated... We have a Linux server that is using Likewise-Open to authenticate against our Active Directory server. Everything was working fine, but yesterday ...
w3bguy's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to apply group policy?

I have a windows server and all the clients are linux based(ubuntu 11.10),i want to set up group/domain policy on my network. Please suggest anything other than likewise-open policy. How to apply ...
amit patel's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I allow regular users to install printers?

I'm configuring a 10.10 machine for deployment in an organization with Likewise Open and Active Directory, and I need to know if Ubuntu can allow users to install printers automatically. I tested and ...
user14146's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Allow an active directory group to ssh into server

I'm trying to get my AD group SSH_Users to be able to SSH into our server. I added a line to the config file in /etc/sshd: AllowGroups ssh_Users and tried [email protected]. This does not work. I ...
TL_Arwen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to add an AD group members to a local group

I already have the AD integration working via sssd where a user logging in is a member of one of two AD groups. They are able to ssh into the server and if it's their first login they're granted ...
SteamerJ's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Enrolled in AD realm, but can´t resolve AD users with getent passwd

Situation: Windows SBS Server (AD controller, DNS server), Proxmox 4.1 server hosting a Ubuntu 14.04 lxc container. What I want to achieve: Integrate the Ubuntu container into the AD, so that I´m ...
Kharne's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
1 answer

How can we connect the samba Domain server w/ LDAP backend from Ubuntu client?

I already Setup Samba Domain Controller with LDAP Backend in Ubuntu 12.04 / 13:04 See more at:
ckknight's user avatar
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1 answer

Forcing Nautilus to use Kerberos (Active Directory) authentication

Is there a way to get Nautilus or any other file manager that runs on Ubuntu 11.04 to use Kerberos for authentication? I'm using Likewise Open to join machines to the domain, and I can't type in ...
user14146's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Likewise: joined Active Directory but cannot write shares

I have never used a Linux system in an AD environment before and am trying to join my laptop running Ubuntu to join our Active Directory (DC is a Windows Server 2008 machine) using Likewise-open. ...
Aron Rotteveel's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Setup Kerberos authentication with SSH

I have an Ubuntu server acting as the Domain Controller (domain.local) and a Ubuntu VM (ubu1) acting as a workstation. I wanted to ssh into the ubu1 VM with Kerberose using a keytab file. For this, I ...
Kavishka Gihan's user avatar

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