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How can I use another HDD for some directories?

For example, now I have two directories /home/anton/test1 and /home/anton/test2 with files in them, they are stored on the main SSD. I'd like to use another HDD's partition (data partition on /dev/...
27cm's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 - Mount Intel RSTe RAID

How does one mount an Intel RSTe RAID volume in Ubuntu 24.04? This is the newer version of RST where the array is defined in UEFI, bios can even see the files on the array volume. I got fed up with ...
HeavenCore's user avatar
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External hard drive not working

I got this error message when I tried to open an external hard drive: Error mounting/dev/sdb1 at media/(device name) In another Ask Ubuntu post one answer recommmended to run sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1 ...
Matthew Simpson's user avatar
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Error on mountig Windows 11 share on Ubuntu Server (or Desktop) 24.04

I am trying to mount a Windows 11 share on Ubuntu Linux, version 24.04, both desktop and server edition, with no success. I tried the following command: mount -t cifs -o user=guest,password= //host/...
André Moreira's user avatar
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Second HDD not showing up after Ubuntu Server reboot

Probably a NOOB question but after install of Ubuntu Server 24.04 and a secondary internal SSD (sda1) is mounted, partitioned, file system created and appears as /mnt/sandisk, it appears as unmounted ...
tommygun1950's user avatar
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I can't open NTFS External HDD | mounting error

I am using Ubuntu 24.04 and when I try to open my external hard drive, I get this error: Failed to mount "My Passport" Error mounting/dvs/sda1 at /media/alireza/My Passport:wrong fs type, ...
Alireza Fekri's user avatar
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NFS NAS drive no longer listed in dock & requires additional authentication

After installation the Ubuntu 24.04 on my PC, my NAS drive, which uses NFS protocol, does not work like before. It is not enlisted in my dock nor the locations in the Files app. When I manually ...
vojislav's user avatar
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in Ubuntu 24.04 Error Mounting /dev/sda2 at /media/ and notification bug

in Ubuntu 24.04 i can't open my hard disk it show nfts not support error in mounting and notification show not like popup it cover display width ,i can't read any message notification bug is given ...
PREMKUMAR S's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 Not Mounting USB Storage on Zenbook Pro 14 Duo (UX8402)

When I plug in USB storage devices, I can see that they are plugged in via the CLI, but they are not mounted or treated like mountable devices by the OS. I've tried with both USBs and external drives. ...
Don Milligan's user avatar
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1 answer

systemctl what are these processes?

sys-devices-platform-serial8250-serial8250:0-serial8250:0.0-tty-ttyS0.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/platform/serial8250/serial8250:0/serial8250:0.0/tty/ttyS0 sys-devices-...
stackcen's user avatar
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How to make Ubuntu ask for password when mounting partitions in 24.04 Noble?

I have been using the following guideline (see link below) to isolate versions of Ubuntu on my rig by introducing a requirement for a password to access them (through FILES etc): How to make Ubuntu ...
david's user avatar
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24.04 change to mount command [closed]

Previously the following would mount a share that exists on a ubuntu 20.04 system: sudo mount -t cifs -o user=guest,password=,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noperm //fossa/den /media/...
quill's user avatar
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