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Format Non-System Drives with ext4+casefold

I'm fairly new to Linux, and just switched over from Windows to Xubuntu 24.04. I have a HDD dedicated to gaming as well as an SSD dedicated to gaming. They are now both formatted in ext4. Now, however,...
Dubby's user avatar
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Full Disk Encryption With Custom Storage Layout During Ubuntu 24.04 Installation?

During installation of fresh Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, when i select custom storage layout i can not see any option to encrypt the full disk and we are told full disk encryption is available during fresh ...
uberrebu's user avatar
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How to configure Ubuntu 24.04 custom storage layout

So is this correct approach? or do i increase the /boot/efi to larger? I dont need SWAP to be that big, i only need SWAP to be 16GB since i have 256GB memory server. I have 1 250GB SSD and 1.6TB NVME ...
uberrebu's user avatar
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How can I use another HDD for some directories?

For example, now I have two directories /home/anton/test1 and /home/anton/test2 with files in them, they are stored on the main SSD. I'd like to use another HDD's partition (data partition on /dev/...
27cm's user avatar
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grub-install : error while installing Ubuntu 24.04 with Windows 10 dual-boot

I am trying to install Ubuntu 24.04 on my old PC alongside Windows. But while I tried to install it, I got an error about the grub-install: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 17 22:08:33 ...
Dark Patate's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 - Mount Intel RSTe RAID

How does one mount an Intel RSTe RAID volume in Ubuntu 24.04? This is the newer version of RST where the array is defined in UEFI, bios can even see the files on the array volume. I got fed up with ...
HeavenCore's user avatar
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Failed EFI partition resizing

I was not able to install a System Update which require 92MB. On the advice of people in the Framework community, I tried to resize my EFI partition using a live usb of Ubuntu, but now I have unused ...
rcc's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server 22.04/24.04 does not see partitions to create RAID 1

I hope everyone is well. I need to build a server with Ubuntu Server with RAID 1 but the installer for this version does not display the partitions created to mount the RAID. I've already tried it on ...
Marco Antonio Barbosa Marques's user avatar
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It is possible to change the version from Ubuntu 24.04 to Ubuntu 20.04, without formatting

I am a new user of Ubuntu (dual-boot with W10), and I have version 24.04, it does not have the necessary packages for several programs that I need to run, the solution is to change to version 20.04. I ...
Renzo Felipe's user avatar
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Can't uncheck "Format" checkbox on "Manual partitioning" screen when trying to reinstall Ubuntu

I had the 24.04 upgrade fail on me. :( My attempts to "fix" the broken apt have left me with a system that no longer boots. So I've downloaded the Desktop distro, made a bootable USB, and am ...
thoughton's user avatar
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I can't open NTFS External HDD | mounting error

I am using Ubuntu 24.04 and when I try to open my external hard drive, I get this error: Failed to mount "My Passport" Error mounting/dvs/sda1 at /media/alireza/My Passport:wrong fs type, ...
Alireza Fekri's user avatar
-1 votes
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Change default 4Gb of swap partition on LiveCD

When booted on the Ubuntu 24.04 live CD, where to find the default value of 4Gb of the swap partition which will be created? I checked in /etc and /lib/python3/dist-packages with no success but it ...
London Smith's user avatar
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Zfs encrypted re-install width more swap

I already installed Ubuntu 24.04 with encrypted zfs partition but my swap partition has only 4Gb. So I would to reinstall it with a swap partition of 30Gb. Can I use the actual partitioning and just ...
London Smith's user avatar
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How to make Ubuntu ask for password when mounting partitions in 24.04 Noble?

I have been using the following guideline (see link below) to isolate versions of Ubuntu on my rig by introducing a requirement for a password to access them (through FILES etc): How to make Ubuntu ...
david's user avatar
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DISA STIG drive partitioning (LVMs) during install of Ubuntu 24.04?

I would like to install Ubuntu 24.04 on a new (physical) system and comply with the DISA STIG for drive partitioning and secure LVM mounts. That means 'noexec' for /var and /tmp. I don't see any way ...
ZappedC64's user avatar
2 votes
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Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Encryption of root with Dualboot does not work

I wanted to upgrade from 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS and unfortunately, that broke my Ubuntu system entirely. So I installed Ubuntu from scratch. I used to have a dualboot setup. Windows 11 and Ubuntu. The ...
Lunar Cultist's user avatar