This appears to be caused by sudo apt install fuse
Of some peculiar reason gdm3 crashed on me (on a fairly fresh install of 24.04).
/var/log files didn't appear to tell anything as I glanced through them (not all).
.. but then /var/crash/ had a file, so I tried to do
ubuntu-bug /var/crash/<___>.crash
... but apparently the file is malformed, so not understandable for ubuntu-bug.
Looking through the file, line 1182 has a "core dump" which then has an immense amount of data in base64 format as indicated by:
CoreDump: base64
If I'm not misinformed H4sICAAAAAAC/0NvcmVEdW1wAA==
is a beginning and end marker, but there is no second instance of it... if true, then that might be a cause for ubuntu-bug
having a problem with it.
$ grep -n 'H4sICAAAAAAC/0NvcmVEdW1wAA==' _usr_sbin_gdm3.0.crash
1183: H4sICAAAAAAC/0NvcmVEdW1wAA==
a head -n 1181 >tempfile.crash
allowed ubuntu-bug to at least tell that gdm3 stopped suddenly.
... attempting this now (after a long journey with gdm3 and nvidia driver reinstalls) seems to trigger a gdm3 crash again...
I have uploaded the 1181-line version of the .crash file to pastebin, for anyone interested to have a look -->
The full file with the crash dump appears to trigger a pastebin junk filter.
So: My question is, how to handle this situation - from the command line - in a proper manner? Note: GUI (a "dm") not available in that situation!